General Meeting

General Meeting

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    • #1480 Reply
      Bill Reitz

        Hey John, the April General Meeting is usually at the camp out location. Although attendance at the Seaver meetings has been pretty good and attracted prospective members.

      • #2452 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          WOW what a fun (well mostly) ride today after the General Meeting. Thanks very much to Vice Prez Tom for leading us on the back roads of northern San Diego County, always fun there. We got to experience the traffic nightmare created by the airplane that crashed onto the I-15 at the 76. EVERY road in the area, including Rice Canyon, was jammed with vehicles trying to escape the results of closing a major freeway.

          But we had a good day of riding.

        • #2457 Reply
          David Omlor

            Well said Bill. Thanks to Tom for his routing skills!

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