Brennan;s Jazz Kitchen and the infamous David Eastly – This Saturday 9/9/17!!

Brennan;s Jazz Kitchen and the infamous David Eastly – This Saturday 9/9/17!!

Forums Calendar Events Brennan;s Jazz Kitchen and the infamous David Eastly – This Saturday 9/9/17!!

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    Karl Wagner

      Sharon and I are making an overnighter out of the club meeting and ride this Saturday, (no extra miles!), and planning on going to see our very own David Eastly in the Doug Lacy band and enjoy some Southern cooking at Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney, DTD. We went last year with a small group and really enjoyed a relaxing evening.

      I hear there are shows at 7:00, 8:30, and 10:00pm, we will likely be there for the early shows. Go home clean up and come on back down, or pick up a hotel near DTD and extend the fun.

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