Borrego Springs 23-25 Feb 2018

Borrego Springs 23-25 Feb 2018

Forums Calendar Events Borrego Springs 23-25 Feb 2018

  • Creator
  • #6320 Reply
    Larry Troffer

      We’ve planned a weekend trip to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Friday, 23 February to Sunday, 25 February.  I’ve reserved Group Site 3 at the Borrego –  Palm Canyon campground.  There are hotels very close by in Borrego Springs for those who prefer not to camp.  Bring your own chow or make the short trip to nearby restaurants.  Make your way to and from the site according to your own schedule; we’ll conduct a group day ride on Saturday.  As in all club camping trips, the club has paid for the campsite, and will collect a small fee per camper per night.  Keep in mind that California state parks collect an extra parking fee in addition to the cost of the campsite.

      Click HERE for Calendar Event

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    • Author
      • #7437 Reply
        Larry Troffer

          New information on fees for this event. Each person who stays at the campground is asked to pay the club $15.00 per person per night. This fee will offset the cost to the club for the campsite and will pay for plenty of firewood each night. Additionally, the club will reimburse the parking fee of $10.00 per-vehicle-per-night that the the park will collect from all riders after the first six arrivals.

          The first six to arrive will pay $15.00 per night to the club, for a total of $30.00 for two nights. Anyone arriving afterwards, will pay $15.00 per night to the club and $10.00 per night to the park, for a total of $50.00 for two nights. The club will reimburse the parking fee to those riders who pay it, making everyone’s final cost $30.00 for two nights.

          Please bring cash in the exact amount for your stay.

        • #7439 Reply
          Jessie Vaca

            I just made a reservation at Borrego Springs Resort Golf Cab and Spas if anyone wold like to split a room.Its supposed to be nice and I think it is near where the campers will be.

          • #7440 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Hey Jesse, Mike Pirosh stayed in a motel last year, not sure where, he might be someone to contact about sharing if he’s going.

            • #7441 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Just as a reminder, Jacob F and I are doing an off road route Saturday for anyone interested. We will visit Font’s point and possibly the Wind Caves, Split Rock and Fish Creek areas if you are familiar with the area. We are looking for easy to moderate trails, staying away from the difficult stuff. It wont’s necessarily be easy, but it will be an adventure! Hope to see some nice natural wonders Anza-Borrego Desert State part is famous for!

              • #7442 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Just as a reminder, Jacob F and I are doing an off road route Saturday for anyone interested. We will visit Font’s point and possibly the Wind Caves, Split Rock and Fish Creek areas if you are familiar with the area. We are looking for easy to moderate trails, staying away from the difficult stuff. It wont’s necessarily be easy, but it will be an adventure! Hope to see some nice natural wonders Anza-Borrego Desert State part is famous for!

                • #7458 Reply
                  Larry Troffer

                    This morning (12 Feb) there are 18 signed up on the ride list. Our group camp site is limited to 25 campers. If you plan to make this ride, please remember to sign up if you haven’t already.

                  • #7459 Reply
                    Jacob Furgatch

                      Larry – Any plans for posting spots to meet for the ride out there?

                      • #7464 Reply
                        Larry Troffer

                          Jacob – Karl is correct. The plan is that everyone arrives and departs on their own schedule and route. I do plan to post a suggested route from Irv Seaver Motorcycles for any who may wish to use it. Stand by.

                      • #7460 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          Hi Jacob,

                          At the February club meeting Larry covered this, there is no organized ride Out Friday or Returning Sunday. It is up to anyone interested in group riding out to suggest a meet up.

                          At least that is what I remember….. ask Sharon if that is reliable, NOT.


                        • #7461 Reply
                          Roberto Giraldes

                            Larry, I am going to share the room at Borrego Springs Resort with Jessie!

                          • #7466 Reply
                            Larry Troffer

                              Attached is a gpx file for Borrego Springs. You should find two routes here. One is a suggested route to the campground from Irv Seaver Motorcycles for anyone who wishes to use it. The other is the day ride on Saturday.

                            • #7494 Reply
                              John Crittenden

                                Larry, Tom White indicated he is also camping, don’t know if you had him on the “list”

                              • #7496 Reply
                                Jessie Vaca

                                  Anyone if you are interested Roberto hurt his back and is unable to attend Borrego Springs, I still have an opening for a room mate since he cannot go. Let me know if you are interested!

                                • #7500 Reply
                                  Richard Catarineau

                                    With a low in the 30s we all might join you

                                  • #7501 Reply
                                    Karl Wagner

                                      Bring the Winter sleeping bag and plan on buying lots of firewood!

                                    • #7502 Reply
                                      Jacob Furgatch

                                        Anyone interested in meeting up mid-Friday morning to go over Ortega Highway, then down the 15 to the 76, and have lunch at Jilberto’s in Pauma Valley before continuing on to Anza Borrego? Several people have suggested Jilberto’s for lunch and I want to finally stop there this time on the way out.

                                      • #7503 Reply
                                        Troy Stone

                                          Troy and Michele have to back out. Troy has the flu and I don’t want to die in my tent…prefer my home. This stuff sucks! See you all when I recover.

                                        • #7504 Reply
                                          Karl Wagner

                                            Bummer Stones!!! Will be investigating the desert roads!

                                            Get better and do not die!

                                          • #7505 Reply
                                            John Crittenden

                                              Yes, Mr. & Mrs. S, get well—–Although I hear that cold desert air does wonders for the flu.

                                            • #7507 Reply
                                              Jessie Vaca

                                                I’m st the hotel, it was a cold ride in just got here. Having a couple beers and dinner. What time is the ride in the morning where does it start??

                                              • #7513 Reply

                                                  Thanks Larry for the Saturday ride. I got home at 6:30 PM with 420 miles on the odometer not bad for 1-day, very satisfying indeed. Great roads.

                                                • #7514 Reply
                                                  John Crittenden

                                                    Thanks, Larry, for setting up this weekend.
                                                    Got to try out my new cot and air mattress! Still working on sleeping warm the whole night!

                                                  • #7515 Reply
                                                    John Crittenden

                                                      Thanks, Larry, for setting up this weekend.
                                                      Got to try out my new cot and air mattress! Still working on sleeping warm the whole night!
                                                      Glad Adam Ray, newest member, got to join us, also.

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