August 6, 2016 Post Club Meeting Ride – Angeles Crest

August 6, 2016 Post Club Meeting Ride – Angeles Crest

Forums Calendar Events August 6, 2016 Post Club Meeting Ride – Angeles Crest

  • Creator
  • #3388 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Would like to run up to and across Angeles Crest Hwy after the August 6, 2016 club meeting. Will leave Irv Seavers at 12pm sharp, for an afternoon up and across Hwy 2. Will stop for a short break at Newcomb’s Ranch on Hwy 2 and be home for dinner…..well may be a bit late dinner…..but should be fun! Anyone interested??

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    • Author
      • #3390 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Sounds good to me Karl. We may have to stop at Chino Dickey’s for dinner !!

        • #3392 Reply
          John Crittenden

            I think I might like to do this, we’ll see what the B.H. has to say.

            (Better Half)

          • #3401 Reply

              Bill, Dickey’s have come to Tustin.

            • #3412 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Stopped at the Ranger Station on Angeles Crest today, the route is open all the way from the 15 to the 210, we are a go for 8/6/16!

              • #3539 Reply
                David Eastly

                  Sadly I have to go to work early Saturday evening, so the ride is out. I am going to stick around for the Moto Camping seminar at Seaver’s though. The free BBQ lunch is nice too.

                • #3540 Reply
                  Richard Catarineau

                    Karl and Dale – Use your phone’s “Find Friends” and share your location with me, like we did at Mt. Laguna. Then I can meet you guys at Newcomb’s Ranch. (I assume you’ll be taking a break there).

                  • #3558 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      Route Posted, but no guarantees we will be sticking to it!!

                      Rick, I will try the app, I anticipate being at NR around 3:30pm if we get on the road at noon sharp.

                      Looking like a nice afternoon ride, likely getting back home around 5pm, we will split after LaCanada.

                    • #3562 Reply
                      Bill Reitz

                        Hey Karl, where is the route posted ?? I can’t find it here or on the Calendar.

                      • #3564 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          Last post corrected to include the file.

                        • #3571 Reply
                          Karl Wagner

                            Enjoyed a good ride across Hwy 2, aka Angeles Crest Saturday after the General Meeting at Irv Seavers. Despite a bit of warm weather and a completely closed Hwy 60 E to Hwy 215 N interchange we pursued to our Goal, Ice Cream in Wrigthwood and burgers at Necomb’s Ranch. I see why so many people enjoy this length of hwy. Road it to get through it Saturday, but sure to be back to see a bit more details soon, Mount Wilson, Wrightwood, Mount Lowe for a hike, etc…

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