Arizona in April

Arizona in April

Forums Calendar Events Arizona in April

  • Creator
  • #15149 Reply
    John Crittenden

      I had to tweak the dates on this in order to secure camping site.   And, we leave on Saturday, come back Tuesday (unless some can’t stay till then).   This should be fun—–we have three nights at a group site just south of Prescott.   Hotelers/motelers are thus in the area.

      Please see Calendar for more details.    I will have routes, etc. as we get closer,

      LInk to Calendar Event Arizona 4 Day Ride

    Viewing 17 reply threads
    • Author
      • #15157 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Looks nice John. Hope we can make it.

        • #15265 Reply
          Ron Zablocki

            Looking forward to this!

          • #15266 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              Hey John – Which Eagle Ridge Campground between the 2 were you thinking about?

            • #15272 Reply
              Ron Zablocki

                I’ve booked 3 nights at the Rodeway Inn Prescott for $97/night through
                There are somewhat cheaper options a little farther away from the campground as well. The Rodeway Inn is about 4 miles away.

              • #15293 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  We’re at the Peregrine group site.

                • #15296 Reply
                  Ron Zablocki

                    We’re at the Peregrine group site.

                    Which site is that?

                  • #15305 Reply
                    Pete Rissman

                      For what it’s worth, After being told “NO day passes” by a couple of gyms in Prescott, I contacted the Prescott YMCA and spoke with a delightful gal at the front desk named Teri who told me that they welcome non-members (and especially BMW riders). A $15 fee and a signed waver will get you full access to the facility for a day. That not only includes hot showers, but pool privileges and a host of other amenities.

                      The physical address is:
                      750 Whipple Street
                      Prescott, AZ 86301

                      The website address is:

                      Looks like I can leave the Wet-Nap moisturized towelettes at home. 😉

                    • #15394 Reply
                      John Crittenden

                        Here is the route to Arizona on 9 April. 376 miles, 6 1/2 hours riding to Prescott/Campground. Figure we leave the meetup spot by 8 a.m., and get to Prescott by about 4:40 p.m., factoring in rest stops and a fast lunch in Parker.
                        I’ll have a couple of proposed day rides in the next several days. Any suggestions are welcome.

                      • #15441 Reply
                        John Crittenden

                          Got a couple of day rides—-about 250 miles each, looks like great riding, some sights, etc.

                        • #15448 Reply
                          Pete Rissman

                            My suggestion for lunch or dinner in Prescott. This place was essentially my living room back in the summer of ‘73:


                          • #15470 Reply
                            Eric Wolf

                              Looks fun!

                            • #15471 Reply
                              Harry Hoffman

                                Looking forward to it! See you all on Saturday!

                              • #15472 Reply
                                John Crittenden

                                  My apologies——-other than the gpx, I didn’t note down the meet up spot anywhere else. Black Bear Diner, on Mountain Ave, just off the 60, in Chino. Again, would like to leave as close to 8 a.m. as possible.

                                • #15474 Reply
                                  John Crittenden

                                    We have 13 signed up on the Ride List, including Lorna Z. Aaaannnndd, Paul Kirch, a brand new member! Imagine that—-he signed up on the Ride List!

                                  • #15476 Reply
                                    Pete Rissman

                                      Oof! I’ve been following the weather forecast for Prescott since last Monday. Back then they were calling for a 2% chance of rain showers on Monday from 10am-2PM. That percentage has steadily increased and now they’re saying 50% chance of rain and snow starting Monday night and lasting into Tuesday. I’ll add that “they’re” is the NOAA/National Weather Service.

                                      I’m still going, and I’ll still be camping on Saturday and Sunday nights, but I’ll be packing up and moving to the Best Western Prescottonian for Monday night because I damn sure don’t want to break camp in the rain or snow.

                                    • #15477 Reply
                                      Pete Rissman
                                      • #15486 Reply
                                        Karl Wagner

                                          Good four day ride, thank you John for organizing and sacraficing your rear shock for the club cause! 🙂

                                        • #15488 Reply
                                          Ron Zablocki

                                            Yes, this was an excellent weekend! Thank you John for organizing, and all the cool peeps for coming along!
                                            Oh, and no rain or snow was to be had. 😎

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