2020-2021 Calendar

2020-2021 Calendar

Forums Calendar Events 2020-2021 Calendar

  • Creator
  • #12507 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Greetings to All!    I am taking the liberty of getting rides, overnighters, bar hops, etc. on the Calendar, prior to (hopefully) taking over the reins of the Club from the capable hand (the other holds a ceegar) from Chris Roady.   We don’t have firm dates yet, but at least the months are getting scheduled with the General Meetings and weekend/long weekend trips.     After that is done, we can fill in day rides.

      This does not preclude any Club member from having a ride that they would like to do put on the Calendar.   Just let one of the Board members/officers know.

      Brandon will start putting the upcoming rides on the Ride List, which everyone should use, as then we have an approximate count of riders.

      Here’s to a Great Riding Year!

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    • Author
      • #12543 Reply
        Erasmo Brenes

          Hi John,

          I see that you’ve resurrected the Solstice Ride. Question: Is it starting at 6pm? or is it 6am, like
          the old days?

        • #12577 Reply
          John Crittenden

            6 p.m., Erasmo. This is not the Solstice Ride Ralf did. This is an evening ride.

            For other rides, the Calendar is being populated. Kernville in October is set up, Warren is finalizing Mt. Laguna in September, and Tony, Ron, and Bill A. are working on a Sequoia Ride and a Central Coast Ride, August and November respectively.

          • #12578 Reply
            Erasmo Brenes

              Ok, thanks for the clarification.

            • #12606 Reply
              John Crittenden

                The 2020-2021 Ride/Event Calendar is filling up! Make sure to sign up on the Ride List, as I have a feeling these are going to be popular events!

              • #12607 Reply
                Erasmo Brenes

                  When is the Morro Bay Ride?

                • #12614 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    Tony has not gotten me the dates, etc. yet. Will be in November.

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