2016 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Ride, 10/29/16 – Torrance, CA

2016 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Ride, 10/29/16 – Torrance, CA

Forums Calendar Events 2016 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Ride, 10/29/16 – Torrance, CA

  • Creator
  • #3621 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      This is a chance to come out and have fun riding for a great cause. This is a great group of folks with a real cause. Registration starts at 8am with pre-ride actvities, and KSU at 10am on October 29, 2016. For the early birds, I will buy bfast for any South Coasters that come and support this event.

      I started a group “South Coast BMW Riders Club” if you would like to donate or register through that group.


      Come out for a ride, good cause and yes, food!

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    • Author
      • #3622 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Here is the Short Cut:

          click on the “Get Involved” tab,

          Click on the “Support a Particpant”

          Click on the “Search for a Team”

          Type in “South Coast BMW Riders Club”

          Then “Join the Team” or “Donate Now”

          It will be great to see a group of South Coasters support this event!


        • #3625 Reply
          John Crittenden

            I will see what I can do and I’m sure we can get a good number of us. I want to see how many SCers’ breakfasts Karl can spring for!

            Can you put this on the Calendar, Karl? That way, we’ll know what is going on that weekend. Thanks.

          • #3626 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Bring it on…..but bfast is only for those that get sponsored or contribute to our groups fundraising!!!

              Sorry John, I do not seem to “see”: the ability to add to the calendar, nor do I “see” the BOD guide. P

              • #3627 Reply
                Mark Borgeson

                  The BOD guide is in the Board Members Only forum in the Club Documents folder.

              • #3632 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Got it Mark, thanks. Did not do the gyrations for the Calendar to Forum / Forum to Calendar link….to much grief.

                  Actually I do not see the top admin banner on my computer at work, must be blocked on that system.

                  Thanks again.


                • #3633 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Karl, maybe you’re not signed in and that’s why you don’t see the top line/BOD section. I need to sign back in every so often.

                  • #3634 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      Thanks Bill, just a brain cramp, worked the next day…………posted now.

                    • #4181 Reply
                      Karl Wagner

                        Ok, Roll Call for this weekend for all South Coasters planning on supporting some great kids at this weekends PBTF fundraiser ride. Please let me know who to look out for. I see the LABRATS BMW group will be participating as well, so I may try and hook up with them to bolster the BMW group! Post or text me 626.483.4009 your cell phone to me to coordinate meet up at the Torrance Honda headquarters where the event starts and ends at.

                        I will be bringing El Burrito Jr. Breakfast Burrito’s and Starbucks coffee for all South Coasters who let me know they are attending!

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