BMW Motorrad Connected App

BMW Motorrad Connected App

Forums General BMW Motorrad Connected App

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    Chris Roady

      Hi Jennifer,
      Thanks for reaching out to the South Coast BMW Riders Club (SCBMWRC). I will be happy to post your message on our club message board and encourage members to get in touch with you. I will ask them to let you know they are members of SCBMWRC in case you are interested in tracking where your testers came from.

      Chris Roady
      SCBMWRC Membership Chair

      On Feb 20, 2019, at 8:20 AM, Jennifer Lorek <[email protected]> wrote:

      Name: Jennifer Lorek
      Email: [email protected]
      Message: Hello,
      My name is Jennifer and I work for Testbirds, a crowd-testing company based in Munich ( I’m reaching out to you because we are looking for passionate BMW riders who might be interested in testing and improving an app for BMW.

      To be more specific, we are currently working with BMW Motorrad on testing and improving their Connected App. For this, we will be conducting several tests in the upcoming year. I am looking for BMW riders who are using the Connected App and are willing to contribute towards the further development of it.

      Participation will mean that testers can report bugs, evaluate or request features, and give some general feedback. Testers will of course be compensated for participating in tests, interviews etc., but more importantly will have a direct feedback channel to BMW and their App development team.

      During the testing process, BMW will oversee your feedback, your requested features, the bugs you submit, and they will listen in during remote interviews we have planned.

      To get more information or register to take part in the testing, interested BMW riders who currently have a TFT display on their BMW motorcycles can visit our site:

      I would be very grateful if you could pass this message along to your members or alternately if you could provide suggestions on how I might be able to do so in the most appropriate way. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, and would really appreciate anything you could do to pass this info along.

      Kind regards,

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