Past Presidents Breakfast and General Meeting

Past Presidents Breakfast and General Meeting

Forums Calendar Events Past Presidents Breakfast and General Meeting

  • Creator
  • #9479 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Join us as we bask in the presence of notable figures from the SCBMWRC past. (Doesn’t include Bill R. or John C).
      And, if we have time, there will be a General Meeting and breakfast.
      The hangars should be open for touring, and there will also be a ride following, through Ojai and yet-to-be-determined other destinations.
      We are set for 20-35 attendees at 10 a.m. Feel free to arrive early and stake out our parking spots!

      Calendar Link

    Viewing 13 reply threads
    • Author
      • #9487 Reply
        Paul Nelson

          Sorry can’t make it. We have Super Bowl commitments.
          Cya soon, Paul

        • #9488 Reply
          John Crittenden

            What’s “Super Bowl”?

          • #9490 Reply
            Bill Allen

              Must it be on Super Bowl Sunday?

              Just askin’

            • #9512 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Saturday is open…….. just sayin….

              • #9553 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  That’s the date we set at the board meeting. Mr. President? What time does Super Bowl start?

                • #9554 Reply
                  Bill Allen

                    Some folks might light to attend a Super Bowl party before the game. Saturday would be a better choice.

                  • #9593 Reply
                    Brandon Wilson

                      I have deferred to the ride leader, but I am in favor of either day. Whatever John would like to do regarding I am supportive.

                    • #9599 Reply
                      John Crittenden

                        I will check tomorrow (1/19) to see if we can switch our reservations to 2/2, and post shortly thereafter.

                      • #9600 Reply
                        Bill Reitz

                          The Flight 126 Cafe is a nice location that has taken care of us in the past, however the flight line / hangars are only open on the first Sunday each month. Why not move this meeting Past Prez celebration to March and have the February meeting on Saturday the 2nd ? Superbowl is pretty big.

                        • #9601 Reply

                            Super ball commitments here.

                          • #9610 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              The date is now changed to 2 February, same time and location. And, I ain’t changing it anymore!

                            • #9923 Reply
                              Bill Allen

                                F’in Rain!

                              • #9926 Reply
                                John Crittenden

                                  We’re still on for March 3. Rain possible, but light and acceptable! Hope to see you there!

                                • #9927 Reply
                                  Bill Allen

                                    I will be watching the radar, but as it stands right now, I would be riding 3 hours in the rain before breakfast. That’s not acceptable to this light weight.

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