StreetMasters October 2019

StreetMasters October 2019

Forums General StreetMasters October 2019

  • Creator
  • #9465 Reply
    John Crittenden

      We have a tentative StreetMasters class for our club, likely in October 2019. I don’t have the limit on the class size (Danny? Walt?) but I think it may be 35 or so. In addition to a group discount of the regular StreetMaster fee (again, 20%?), the BMW MOA has agreed to reimburse, upon completion of the course, $100 from the Scholarship set-aside we have requested. This is a great savings, and there will be other benefits in addition—–possibly lower insurance rates, greater safety and riding abilities, and a lot of fun!
      As we currently have over 100 members, space for this training will be limited to the first 35 (if this is correct). We did this class several years ago, and it was very much worth it! We strongly encourage you to sign up for this event. Here is the link to the StreetMasters website

      If you would like to get on the list, please enter your name. As we get closer to the date, more information will follow, and we will need monetary commitments to fully secure your inclusion.

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    • Author
      • #9470 Reply

          I am in! Thanks John and Danny for your superb efforts.

        • #11067 Reply
          Frank Campbell

            Count me in. Please let me know how and when I can formally register.

          • #11070 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              Frank – I think they mean the Ride List. See the Member’s Guide on the Home Page to get set up there.

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