Welcome Our Newest Member!!!

Welcome Our Newest Member!!!

Forums General Welcome Our Newest Member!!!

  • Creator
  • #9362 Reply
    Chris Roady

      Hey Everyone,
      Welcome Henry Salari as the newest SCBMWRC member (as of 12/27/2018)! Hopefully we will get a completed questionnaire and photo for our next newsletter, and get to meet Henry in person on 1/5/2019 at our next club meeting @ Irv Seavers.

    Viewing 11 reply threads
    • Author
      • #9364 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Welcome Henry, come on out and ride!

        • #9383 Reply
          John Crittenden

            Glad you’re with us, Henry! Looking forward to meeting you (General Meeting this Saturday?)

          • #9396 Reply
            Brandon Wilson

              Welcome to the clan Henry! Hope to see you on Saturday.

            • #9442 Reply
              Chris Roady

                A warm welcome to our newest members, Alan and Shirley DeCarr! We are glad you made the January General Meeting, it was a pleasure to meet you both.

              • #9443 Reply
                Brandon Wilson

                  Welcome Alan and Shirley. It was a pleasure to meet you on the 1st during the frozen ride and see you this last Saturday. I hope to see you on another ride soon!

                • #9928 Reply
                  Chris Roady

                    I have been a little remiss in keeping this “welcome to new members” thread current, my apologies. Our club is growing and we have 5 new members since my last update. I have enjoyed meeting several of them and hope to see all of you at our meetings and rides throughout the year.

                    A warm and hearty welcome to:
                    Gary Tucker
                    Elycia Child
                    Warren Belkin
                    Ray Santos
                    Kep Wadiak

                    As of March 2 we have 114 SCBMWRC members …. WELCOME!!

                  • #9931 Reply
                    John Crittenden


                    • #9933 Reply
                      Karl Wagner

                        Welcome one and all! Look forward to riding with you!

                      • #10038 Reply
                        Chris Roady

                          please give a warm welcome to Manuel Archer! Hope to see you at a meting and ride Manuel.

                        • #10043 Reply
                          John Crittenden

                            Here’s my warm welcome, Manuel!

                          • #10103 Reply
                            Chris Roady

                              Hey South Coasters, we have two new members. Please welcome Brad Ambrose and Billy Schimko!

                            • #10124 Reply
                              John Crittenden

                                Welcome to the Best BMW club (or other club)!

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