Ride to Live Training

Ride to Live Training

Forums Calendar Events Ride to Live Training

  • Creator
  • #8975 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Several of us did this free, one day class put on by the Hawthorne Police Department 2-3 years ago, and it was excellent! There are two training dates that I have put on the Calendar, December 8 and January 26. If you would like to do this course, please go to the website and sign up. (I have registered for the 8th December class).

      Here is the Ride to Live website:


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    • Author
      • #8987 Reply
        Roberto Giraldes

          Thanks John. I just registered for the same day.

        • #8992 Reply
          David Omlor

            Thank you John. I too just registered for the December class.

          • #9003 Reply
            Chris Roady

              I concur with John, this class was terrific and well worth your time, regardless of skill level and years riding!

            • #9293 Reply
              John Crittenden

                Sorry to say that I will be working this Saturday, and not able to attend the RTL class. I let Lt. Steve know (with apologies) so my spot is open.

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