Mt Laguna 9/29-9/30 – Rider Thread

Mt Laguna 9/29-9/30 – Rider Thread

Forums Rides Mt Laguna 9/29-9/30 – Rider Thread

  • Creator
  • #8917 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Hello South Coasters!

      Some of you may know, others may not that I have taken over the ride from Karl for Mt. Laguna. The music fest is a bust, but it won’t stop us from enjoying the camping and hotel adventure. I will be following up with a ride departing from Irv to the camp, and a ride Sunday home for all to enjoy. Stay tuned to this post and I will firm everything up over the weekend.

      See you soon!

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    • Author
      • #8924 Reply
        Brandon Wilson


          Please find the attached Rider Summary and routes for Day 1 and Day 2. Questions will be considered, may be answered. 😀

          Looking forward to seeing folks out there next weekend!

        • #8928 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Wish we could make it, have a great weekend folks!

          • #8929 Reply
            David Omlor

              As I was descending the 79 from the Mt. Laguna Lodge on the way to Julian this morning, a large deer bounded across the road about 10 or 15 yards in front of my RT. I came to a near stop and scanned the sides of the road to make sure there weren’t more dare-devil/deer ready to pop out. The path was clear.
              I post this to encourage everyone to be alert in the hills and corners.
              Ride safe!

            • #8930 Reply
              Brandon Wilson

                Thanks for that heads up David. Glad the deer was not interested in meeting you or the RT head on!

              • #8935 Reply
                Bill Allen

                  There are a couple of spots available for camping. Let me know if you are interested.

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