A Taste of Mexico – Ensenada Nov 2-4, 2018

A Taste of Mexico – Ensenada Nov 2-4, 2018

Forums Rides A Taste of Mexico – Ensenada Nov 2-4, 2018

  • Creator
  • #8768 Reply
    Jim Foreman

      Mex-1 - The other Pacific Coast Highway
      I realize this falls on the same weekend as the monthly meeting, but it’s a noble excuse to play hookey. It’s also a great way to celebrate Dia de Los Muertos in Mexico.

      This weekend trip will INCLUDE an option for some off-road riding led by a local.
      It’s been an honor and pleasure to take so many South Coasters down to Mexico. Many for the first time.

      I’ll be great to see new and existing friends join the adventure this time around.

      Prices are based on single occupancy. If you wish to share a room or bring a +1, just add a passenger to the cart.

      For More information and to sign up, please click A Taste of Mexico – Ensenada

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    • Author
      • #8909 Reply
        Ed Taylor

          Jim, I am in! Ensenada sounds like fun. I will wait for any information to follow. Ed

        • #8910 Reply
          Jim Foreman

            That’s awesome. Welcome.

            Just go here to the Authentic Moto Website and register. If you have someone else in mind to share the room with, please let me know. The price listed is for single occupancy.
            It’ll be great to have you on this trip.


          • #8911 Reply
            Ed Taylor

              Jim, Before I register.. I have one ride under my belt with this club and don’t know many people yet. Do you know of someone looking to share a room in Ensenada? Ed

            • #8912 Reply
              Jim Foreman

                I will ask without mentioning you directly. I also have a woman in a similar situation. Let me see.

              • #8913 Reply
                Jim Foreman

                  Hi Ed, I think I will make this easy for you and others in your predicament. I’ve created a “A Taste of Mexico – Ensenada Double Occupancy” SKU with at $300 so you can register with confidence and not have to worry about gathering someone else.

                  I’m a South Coaster and Tom White is also going, so you won’t be alone. I’m sure with this new and improved/easier setup more South Coasters will register, too.

                  Who knows, you may get lucky and be the odd number that gets their own room for a double price. The rooms are in the photo.


                • #8916 Reply
                  Dale Sprosty

                    That is the same hotel we stayed at earlier this year on a Jim Foreman ride. What a great time. Wish I could make this one.

                  • #9068 Reply
                    David Omlor

                      Registration is complete! Looking forward to this trip.
                      – David

                    • #9070 Reply
                      Jim Foreman

                        This is less than two weeks away. I’m thrilled to have 4 South Coasters on this trip, so far. I can’t think of a better way to discover our awesome southern neighbor.
                        Don’t forget this trip will include Dia de Los Muertos (Nov 2nd).
                        Great riding, food, friends, and experiences are all yours. All you need to do is take a Friday off to ride. How hard is that?
                        Authentic Moto Travels – A Taste of Mexico

                        Dia de Los Muertos Celebrations

                        The  awesome Scenic Mex-1 along the coast.

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