July 8 Club Picnic

July 8 Club Picnic

Forums Calendar Events July 8 Club Picnic

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  • Author
    • #7799 Reply
      Karl Wagner

        Bummer on the date change…. going to be coming back from the Oregon Rally…. Will miss it again unfortunately…. 🙁

      • #7807 Reply
        David Eastly

          Karl, you and Sharon won’t be back a week after the Oregon rally?

        • #7808 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            The current plan was to visit our son Curtis in Redding over the 4th of July and take our time seeing a bit more of No Calif. Not likley to be home until Sunday of that weekend.

          • #8031 Reply

              Just an FYI. Unless something changes this month, I’ll be leaving for the MOA Rally on July 8. Stopping in Colorado to visit a friend. Then on to my daughter and her family in Illinois. A side trip to Ohio and Oklahoma, then home. Should be back in 4 or 5 weeks.

            • #8060 Reply
              John Crittenden

                The time has come to Yea or Nay for the Picnic, so that we know how much food, etc. to get.

                The Picnic is now on the Ride List, please mark appropriately.

                If you are planning to come, please let Beth or I know how many family, and what you would like to bring to share. We will need:
                Side Dishes

                The Club will provide waters, soft drinks, barbecued items, and condiments.

                Look forward to seeing you there!

              • #8064 Reply

                  That’s a Nay for me.

                • #8065 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Karen & I will be there. Will bring dessert. I wonder how long Dickey’s ice cream takes to melt ???? 😁

                  • #8066 Reply


                    • #8074 Reply
                      Bill Allen

                        The Allen family will be there (Bill, Ida and Paris). We will bring Ida’s world famous papaya salad.

                      • #8075 Reply
                        David Omlor

                          I plan to attend and will bring an appetizer.
                          Joni will be out of town this weekend 🙁

                        • #8076 Reply
                          Brandon Wilson

                            Ivy and Brandon will be there – will bring vegetables for appetizer.

                          • #8112 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              Great, thanks. Bikram, food item to bring?

                              Let’s keep the replies/ride list coming!

                            • #8113 Reply
                              Michael Pirosh

                                I’ll be there with a dessert

                              • #8121 Reply
                                Roberto Giraldes

                                  I will be there!

                                • #8122 Reply
                                  Paul Nelson

                                    Gale and I will be there appetizer in hand.
                                    Sure don’t want to miss “World-famous papaya salad”.

                                  • #8123 Reply
                                    Bill Allen

                                      What “barbeque items” will be provided?
                                      Hopefully more than burgers and brats.

                                    • #8124 Reply

                                        I’ll bring either appetizer or desert.

                                      • #8125 Reply
                                        Rob Tripp

                                          Kellie and I will be there! We’ll bring a salad. What time should we expect the charcoal to start?

                                        • #8137 Reply
                                          Jessie Vaca

                                            Brenda and I will be there
                                            Potato or macaroni Salad, is that okay

                                          • #8138 Reply
                                            Karl Wagner

                                              Ok, sounds like too much fun to miss. Sharon and I will do our best to be at the picnic, maybe riding in direct from our trip! How about appetizers for us?

                                              Do we want any games. bocce, corn hole, ets? Anyone bringing bicycles?

                                            • #8146 Reply
                                              Chris Roady

                                                Julie and I are in. Wouldn’t be a picnic without chips and Watermelon 🍉

                                              • #8156 Reply
                                                John Crittenden

                                                  Hope you can make it, Karl and Sharon! That would be hyperbolic!

                                                  I’m bringing a Frisbee; more games would be great!

                                                  We have a LOT of new members—–Please let me know (on a post or email) if you and family members will be coming! I’ll try emailing as many as I can.

                                                • #8157 Reply
                                                  Bill Allen

                                                    John – This kind of hyperbolic?

                                                  • #8159 Reply
                                                    Mark Borgeson

                                                      Sorry all. I won’t be there (big cheers). Cindy won’t be there either (big sighs).

                                                      Hyperbolic definition:
                                                      “If someone is hyperbolic, they tend to exaggerate things as being way bigger deals than they really are.”
                                                      Sounds like most BMW riders 😉

                                                    • #8167 Reply
                                                      David Omlor

                                                        Sorry for the late notice, but I will be unable to attend the picnic this year.
                                                        Bill R. can have my ice cream allotment 🙂
                                                        Have a good time and stay coooool !

                                                      • #8367 Reply
                                                        John Crittenden

                                                          Sorry you couldn’t make it, David—–I do have something for you, so next meeting, eh?

                                                          Thanks to all who came today—–Beth and I had a great time, and I think we all did! I will be putting together photos and a short writeup for the next newsletter.

                                                        • #8404 Reply
                                                          Paul Nelson

                                                            Gale and I had a great time at the annual picnic. Thanks mostly to Beth….. and her helper. Good food and excellent company! Certain ladies went into high gear for fabulous side dishes THANK YOU🤗

                                                          • #8425 Reply
                                                            Bill Allen

                                                              John C – Thanks for putting on a great event! More thanks for guiding this club, the best BMW motorcycle club in Southern California, for the past two years. I know that it can sometimbes be a thankless task, but I want you to know that I appreciate your efforts.

                                                              Take care.

                                                            • #8444 Reply
                                                              Ron Zablocki

                                                                Better late than never… Here’s the video from the club picnic:

                                                              • #8445 Reply
                                                                Chris Roady

                                                                  link doesn’t work (for me) here either Ron.

                                                                • #8446 Reply
                                                                  Ron Zablocki

                                                                    Sorry about that everyone – the link should be working now, please try again.

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