April 2018 Newsletter

April 2018 Newsletter

Forums Newsletters April 2018 Newsletter

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    • #7685 Reply
      Chris Roady

        Another great newsletter, thanks! For some reason this one took a lot of perseverance to get through since it closed on its own 4 times on me …

        Good Presidents letter John … just as I’m starting to think “what the …” it occurs to me what is motivating it!

      • #7686 Reply
        Richard Catarineau

          That President’s Letter had me going for a bit. I thought I was reading the HOG newsletter!

        • #7687 Reply
          David Eastly

            Damn you John C! You had me for a second.

          • #7688 Reply
            Brandon Wilson

              I only fell for the April fools letter my first year! 🙂

            • #7693 Reply
              Dale Sprosty

                Great edition David! Had to use the desktop computer. Closed more times than I can count on the I phone. Loved the write ups and John’s attempt at an April fools joke even if it is the 31st of March!!

              • #7694 Reply


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