Sierra Ride – Update Reservation and Routes

Sierra Ride – Update Reservation and Routes

Forums Rides Sierra Ride – Update Reservation and Routes

  • Creator
  • #7664 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Great to see those making reservations, about half of the rooms we are holding are booked!

      We have this week left for the Sonora Reservations at the Gunn House Hotel, if you want a room there, which will be our ride meet up location, make your reservation this week for our rate and availability:

      Sonora, CA Hotel Info
      Gunn House Hotel
      286 S. Washington St., Sonora, CA 95370

      Reservation under – South Coast BMW Riders Club
      Two Nights Reservaton, Arrive 6/22, Depart 6/24
      $159 for single queen bed
      $179 for two queen beds or king bed
      includes full breakfast buffet each morning

      Final Routes are being worked on, Draft Routes previously posted will remain basic route, with exception of Saturday route, will not be going down to 395, but stay in the mountains going from 88 to 4 along 89 through Marleeville. Tying to get in something for everyone, great exhilarating roads, beautiful views, roadside stops, and good food!

      Looking forward to this ride more and more in the beautiful Sierras. We will certainly have our fill of good fun mountain road riding including stops for views and interesting points, and any variation people wish to ride will be fine. Of course each evening we are looking for the best place to gather for good food and tall tales of the days rides.

      Please make reservations this week if you are going! πŸ™‚

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    • Author
      • #7665 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          I should have noted, I have the following people with confirmed reservations, P-Porterville, S-Sonora:

          Karl & Sharon Wagner, P, S
          Larry & Trish Troffer, P, S
          Ron & Zablocki, P, S
          Tom White, P, S
          Jesse Vaca, P, S
          Chris Roady, P, S (res with Vaca)
          Bill & Ida Allen, S

        • #7666 Reply
          Bill Allen

            Ida will be riding with me.

          • #7668 Reply
            David Omlor

              Made my reservations at Gunn House this morning…boy, they are serious about their reservation cancellation policy and even the advance $50 non-refundable charge to reserve a room!!

            • #7674 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Yeah, wish we had more flexibility David Omlor. It is the busy time of the Summer and this is a small business rather than a chain. Charming old world and good breakfast, hope you like it. (if not complain to Roady…… πŸ™‚ )

              • #7676 Reply
                Chris Roady

                  Bring it David !!!

                • #7695 Reply
                  Brandon Wilson

                    Reservation confirmed. πŸ™‚

                  • #7697 Reply
                    Michael Pirosh

                      I’m booked at both. Looking forward to it.

                    • #7698 Reply
                      Ted Taylor

                        Confirmed for both

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