El Capitan

El Capitan

Forums Calendar Events El Capitan

  • Creator
  • #7599 Reply
    Dale Sprosty

      I am not able to access any of the communications about the El Capitan trip. There are several listed in recent replies but it bounces me back to the general forum list. Secondly, the map associated with the El Capitan trip is not accurate. It is marking a site east of Fresno.

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    • Author
      • #7623 Reply

          Ditto, me neither. I was having problems after I posted then wanted to edit more and it would not.

        • #7624 Reply
          Mark Borgeson

            This happens to me sporadically at all sites. I’ll click on a link and I get logged out and bounced back to the home page. I’ll try again later and it works fine. I’m using safari on a Mac. I attribute it that.

          • #7747 Reply
            Chris Roady

              got in once yesterday, couldn’t before that and cant now. Is a frequent problem for me on our site.

            • #7759 Reply
              Richard Catarineau

                This is a problem in organization – too many forum topics for the same event.

                Go to the Calendar. I added a link to the correct topic.

                Better yet, here’s the correct topic: El Capitan 2018

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