OC Vintage Bike Rally – April 8th

OC Vintage Bike Rally – April 8th

Forums Rides OC Vintage Bike Rally – April 8th

  • Creator
  • #7577 Reply
    Jacob Furgatch

      Calling all vintage airheads! I would like to propose an outing to the monthly OC Vintage Bike rally in Huntington Beach in April on Sunday the 8th. This date does not conflict with any other club outing. There are normally a few BMW’s but it would great to have a large showing of vintage BMW’s this time. If you don’t have a vintage bike you are welcome too! In addition to getting to see a lot of cool old bikes it would be a good promo for our club. Respond to this message if you have an interest in the ride.


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    • Author
      • #7658 Reply
        Nicholas Okoneski

          Sounds like a fun day. Count me in.

        • #7667 Reply
          Chris Roady

            Would love to join you Jacob, but will be out of town. Maybe the following month?

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