Retirees Ride!

Retirees Ride!

Forums Rides Retirees Ride!

  • Creator
  • #7443 Reply
    David Omlor

      Mike Pirosh and I decided we need to RIDE, so on Tuesday the 6th, we are meeting at the Chevron at the corner of OSO and Antonio. KSU at 10:30, over the Ortega, through Murrieta and on to Lake Henshaw for lunch. The gpx file for the ride is attached. Anyone interested can feel free to join at any point along the ride.
      Sorry for the late notifications, but we just decided.
      – David

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    • Author
      • #7445 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          IF ONLY I didn’t have a doctors appointment…. try Roberto, he’s got a new bike needing miles.

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