1/7/18 Rock Inn Ride

1/7/18 Rock Inn Ride

Forums Calendar Events 1/7/18 Rock Inn Ride

  • Creator
  • #7098 Reply
    Chris Roady

      Greetings .. thought I would throw out a little info for the ride to our January mtg as we all recover from Christmas celebrations and prepare for New Years celebrations :-0

      Not a lot to know, and I don’t have (or think we need) a GPX file for this. We will meet at Panera Bread again, like last year. The address is 990 Town Center, La Canada 91011. Lets meet at 8, grab a cup of coffee (if wanted) and plan for KSU @ 8:30. I visited the Rock Inn a week ago and reserved some space for our meeting. I committed to give them a call from our starting location with a count of people/space needed.

      Our road selection options are limited due to possible road closures and unknown weather conditions so we will ride North on the 5 from Panera Bread, exit near Lake Castaic to wind up Elizabeth Lake Rd to the Rock Inn.

      Fingers crossed for great weather/ride/meeting!

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    • Author
      • #7105 Reply
        Jessie Vaca

          Look forward to it Chris

        • #7118 Reply
          John Crittenden

            I asked Rick to add the Rock Inn ride to the List. Only a few days, but hopefully will help! I’ll be there!

          • #7120 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Thanks, see the ride on the list, and was that EASY to update the ride list….. Nice!

            • #7125 Reply
              Chris Roady

                Here is a route for the return trip that Bill R. graciously put together

              • #7127 Reply
                Chris Roady

                  EDIT …. CHANGED START TIME

                  A few folks have commented that a later start would be good since we don’t have a lengthy ride to the Rock Inn. So … let’s meet at 9:00@ Panera’s instead with a KSU @ 9:30 AM

                  Hopefully a change this late does not cause a problem.

                • #7129 Reply
                  Erasmo Brenes

                    Hi Chris,

                    I’ll be joining the ride. See you at Panera’s this Sunday, before 9:30am.


                  • #7133 Reply
                    Ray Bolick

                      Hello South Coasters,

                      My name is Ray Bolick and I am a newbie. I would like to do the ride and will try to meet at Paneria. Do you know of anyone who will ride out of south Orange County or the Lake Forest area?

                      If I make it that is all good and if not that is OK too.


                    • #7134 Reply
                      Mark Borgeson

                        Hi Ray, all,
                        If anyone want’s to meet up, I’ll be at the Chevron gas station at 23891 Bridger Rd, Lake Forest, CA 92630, at 7:40am. Fill up and leave around 7:45. Should get to Panera’s a little before 9:00
                        Mark Borgeson

                      • #7135 Reply

                          Chris, thanks for organizing and leading the ride. I had fun today.

                        • #7136 Reply
                          Chris Roady

                            Thanks to everyone who made it today, it was a fun day!

                          • #7137 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              Great warm up 2018 ride Saturday Chris Roady, ready for Death Valley!!!!

                          Viewing 10 reply threads
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