Nav VI and K1600b

Nav VI and K1600b

Forums Tech Corner Nav VI and K1600b

  • Creator
  • #6675 Reply
    Jessie Vaca

      Looking for ideas or help.
      I got the Bagger yesterday. Tried setting up NAV VI to IPhone and bike and SENA 20S. I can’t access my phone with this setup.
      I tried the same with the NAV V and it works fine, is there some differences between the V and the VI that we m not accounting for?

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    • Author
      • #6676 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Jessie I suggest you go to the RKA Luggage youtube site, they sell Sena and have many “how to” videos that might help you.

        • #6680 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Hey Jessie, maybe one of the videos on this page from RKA Luggage might help you with your Sena connection ??


          • #6681 Reply
            Mark Borgeson

              That’s a great problem to have 🙂

            • #7884 Reply
              Jessie Vaca

                Hello, I need help with my GPS. I have 2 BMW Navigators a V and a VI and I have experienced the same problem with both.
                I am using “my route” to plan or open routes I get from friends and I also use my route to load the routes to the GPS’s.
                My problem happens when I try to use the GPS on the planned ride
                I open Trip planner on the GPS
                Pick the route from the listed routes
                I hit go and it asks me to sect next destination. Usually the start or the end of the route.
                I think it might be okay if I ‘d follow every little bit exactly as routed but so far I have never been able to do that.
                If I’m somewhere between way point 3&4 for example and I start the route from there. It asks me if I want to go the start or the end of the route again and no mater what I choose it takes me directly to the start or the end and will not follow the route as planned.
                Some people have told me that they are able to select any waypoint in the route and the GPS will them to that way point and then resume the route.
                Any suggestions?

              • #7885 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  weird….. only have my old Nav IV and it works very good…. guess I should keep it….

                  Good luck with this problem Jesse.

                • #7886 Reply
                  Jessie Vaca

                    its probably operator error

                  • #7889 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      Funny Jesse….. unfortunate we are unable to “Like” comments on this site… 🙂

                    • #7890 Reply
                      Bill Reitz

                        OK Jessie here’s my solution….. give me that no good, broken Nav VI and I will test it for a year and let you know what I find. I know…. I’m such a giving person.

                      • #7894 Reply
                        Brandon Wilson


                          My experience is to use whatever tool for route planning. If you can route plan with BaseCamp, good luck…the tool is hard to navigate so here is what I do.

                          I used to use Tyre for route planning and now the new app (MyRoute) which is web-based. I have yet to test the connector to the GPS to see if it properly routes the waypoints, but I use BaseCamp to open the trip planned in Tyre and/or MyRotue and upload to the GPS with BaseCamp. Works like a charm, but a few extra steps to import into BaseCamp and upload.

                        • #7899 Reply
                          Ron Zablocki

                            Here’s an interesting read on some MyRoute web issues, and some fixes for them:

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