General Meeting Ride 9/9

General Meeting Ride 9/9

Forums General General Meeting Ride 9/9

  • Creator
  • #6329 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      General Meeting ride to Crystal Lake (lunch) and a journey over Glendora Ridge! 9/9

      So before I go into the details, I know some of you went to Crystal Lake during the week so I apologize in advance this may be a repeat for some of you but maybe this route will be new!

      Please join me in a 100 mile (almost loop) departing Irv Seaver following the general meeting. We will travel via highway (57 to 210) to escape the concrete jungle to Azuza Canyon (HWY 39) with a stop over for lunch at Crystal Lake Cafe. They have a limited menu, cash only and plenty of seating outdoors. Following, we will double back a handful of miles and head east on E Fork Rd. It is a nice route along the San Gabriel River followed by a turn right on Glendora Mountain Rd. We will ascend the range and find the Glendora Ridge Rd that will lead us to Mt. Baldy Village. We can stop there for a rest or terminate the ride near the 210 freeway as folks make their way to home.

      Total route is 100 miles, but sure to be filled with lots of twisty roads and great views of the city. I know this is not as long as some of our usual days but with the pace of the twisty roads, the meeting in the morning with lunch it should make for a great day. Plenty of spots to stop and have a nice picture moment and gasp at the city below.

      I took the route this last weekend and roads are in good condition, but we will need to watch for loose gravel and sand. GPX and Tyre routes attached.

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    • Author
      • #6348 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Or the ride can continue off the mountain to Dickey’s Texas BBQ in Chino. Early dinner ? Mmmmm ice cream.

        • #6349 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Sounds fun Brandon, looking forward to it!

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