Lunch at Crystal Lake Cafe – Wednesday

Lunch at Crystal Lake Cafe – Wednesday

Forums Rides Lunch at Crystal Lake Cafe – Wednesday

  • Creator
  • #6266 Reply
    David Omlor

      I read about this ride in a Common Thread article a while ago.

      I plan to ride to the Crystal Lake Cafe for lunch on Wednesday. I could do it Thursday if better for most.

      This is the Google Map route from my house:

      Meet-ups can be from any logical point along the way.

      This it a link to the Common Thread article:

      I’ll leave my house about 9 am to avoid morning rush (I hope) and expect to return by 4 o’clock.

      All are welcome to join – the ride through the San Gabriel canyon looks awesome. Check it out.

      If interested, let me know: [email protected]

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    • Author
      • #6270 Reply
        Jacob Furgatch

          David – I’ll let you know tomorrow. If I go I would meet you somewhere along the 5 as I will coming from Newport Beach.

        • #6271 Reply
          David Omlor

            Great! We could make a meet-up the 5 at Red Hill Ave. – there is a Starbucks at Red Hill and El Camino Rd.
            Then, we head up the 5 to the 57 to the 210 to the 39…one hour of freeway, then one hour of FUN!

          • #6272 Reply
            Mark Borgeson

              I’m up for it.

            • #6277 Reply
              Jacob Furgatch

                Ok, I am good to go. Meet you at 9:30am at the Redhill/5 Starbucks? My cell is 949-903-3905.

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