Nat Park Lifetime Passes

Nat Park Lifetime Passes

Forums General Nat Park Lifetime Passes

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  • #6029 Reply
    Chris Roady

      I doubt this is a surprise to anyone, but I thought I’d post a reminder to those of you eligible. Get your pass before 8/28 (RATS, I am just a little over a year away from being able to get mine … punks πŸ™‚

      Cost of lifetime passes for seniors

      The clock is ticking on one of the best travel deals around for seniors: On Aug. 28, the cost of a lifetime pass to our national parks for those 62 and older will jump from $10 to $80.

      That means you only have a few weeks remaining to lock in your $10 lifetime pass to more than 2,000 sites and parks across the country that are managed by the National Park Service. Those who purchase the passes before Aug. 27 will never have to pay an additional fee to visit any of the national parks, according to the NPS.

      Passes can be purchased online for an additional service fee of $10 or at any of the parks without the extra charge. Passes also can be purchased through the mail, though applications must be postmarked by Aug. 27 to secure the $10 price.

      The park service has offered the lifetime senior pass for $10 since 1994. It covers all entrance, day-use and vehicle fees, and provides discounts for things such as tours and campsites. At a site that charges per-person fees, pass holders can bring along three other adults for free. The price increase is part of a larger move to pay for major projects and enhanced services.

      Seniors can still opt to buy an annual pass for $20. Those who purchase an annual pass for four straight years can convert their pass to a lifetime senior pass.

      Even with the 700 percent price increase, the park service says the lifetime pass is still quite a bargain for those who purchase one. Single park-admission fees to the most popular sites β€” which include the Grand Canyon, Great Smoky Mountains and Yosemite national parks β€” can run as much as $30.

      “If a senior visits three of the $30 parks, she or he has already saved money,” NPS spokesperson Kathy Kupper said last month. “Plus, the pass allows those traveling with seniors to enter the park with them.”

      In late 2016, Congress approved legislation, the National Park Service Centennial Act, that raises fees and sets up an endowment to help pay for projects and visitor services.

      The price increase is intended to generate additional revenue, improve the visitor experience and provide more volunteer opportunities in parks across the country.

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    • Author
      • #6034 Reply
        John Crittenden

          Thanks, Chris. The pass also includes National Monument sites, and probably others with “National” attached.

        • #6035 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Thanks for the info Chris, you are spot on. The lifetime park pass even at the increased rate is an amazing value, lifetime access to all national parks………. now I just need to retire soon to be able to get to them! πŸ™‚

          • #6036 Reply
            David Eastly

              Life time pass…….. Done!

            • #6039 Reply
              Chris Roady

                Not “done” Dave, just going up from $10 to $80 after 8/28/17. Oh wait, I understand now … “done” meaning you have yours 👍🏻

              • #6040 Reply
                Bill Allen

                  …and I believe every pass holder can have six guests, even if they are on separate motorcycles!

                • #6041 Reply
                  Richard Catarineau

                    I recently got my lifetime pass and learned that while the annual pass was good for my wife and me on 2 bikes, the lifetime does not cover a 2nd bike. My wife now has to have her own pass.

                    Also, I got mine at a local ranger station in Angeles Crest. There are many places you can buy one.

                  • #6042 Reply
                    Bill Reitz

                      Hey Rick, where on Angeles Crest did you get your pass ? Some day I’ll be old enough to qualify, but it’s a loooong way off.

                    • #6045 Reply
                      Richard Catarineau

                        Here’s a list of all the places you can buy one in person:

                        List of places

                      • #6047 Reply
                        Bill Allen

                          Rick – sorry to hear that. I know it worked once, a while back. I know park rangers don’t enforce park rules consistently (two motorcycles = one car at a campsite for example) and the rules may have changed.

                        • #6098 Reply

                            This is from NPS website:

                            What about motorcycle drivers who purchase an Annual Pass?
                            An Annual Pass permits entrance for two motorcycles IF the two people who sign the pass arrive at the same time on two motorcycles, regardless of the number of people on each motorcycle.

                            Click the link above and see more FAQs.

                            But, for Senior Pass, they have slightly different rules:

                            What about motorcycle drivers who purchase a Senior Pass?
                            A Senior Pass permits entrance for one motorcycle

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