Service Loaner

Service Loaner

Forums General Service Loaner

  • Creator
  • #5970 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Guys and Gals,
      I am curious regarding your experience for service loaners. Today haveing my 12k done at Irv. I thought I set up the appt with a service loaner but for the day they are all unavailable. Oh well. Interesting comment from service was “well, you didn’t buy your bike here so I couldn’t give you one even if I had one.”

      Two thoughts came to mind:
      1) last time I was here I had a service loaner. So consistency would be in question. Maybe a change in policy?
      2) it is a BMW motorcycle. It shouldn’t matter where I bought it.

      I come here (Irv) because I do believe in supporting business that supports the club. I found the club after I bought the bike. I was taken back a bit by the comment on loaners. I don’t expect special treatment just because I am a part of the club but I think consistency does matter and I am certain I set up the appointment with service loaner even though the computer said otherwise.

      I am curious to the thoughts and perspectives of others.

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    • Author
      • #5972 Reply
        David Omlor

          This is a conversation best taken OFF-LINE and discussed face-to-face…imho

        • #5975 Reply
          Brandon Wilson


            Thanks. Sensitive topic; I get it. Oh well.

          • #5976 Reply
            Mark Borgeson

              Every time I’ve requested a loaner, Harley asks me if I bought my bike from Irv’s. It’s a policy I was told about when I bought my bike. Added perk for buying from Irv’s.

            • #5977 Reply
              Troy Stone

                I have been told by three of the stores here if you buy here you get a loaner. I get it. So far I haven’t needed one and have bought at 2 of the 3 stores. Almost ready for service and will see what I get!

              • #5978 Reply
                Peter Wawro

                  I’ve had my bikes serviced at seaver’s since we moved here in ’93, and have yet to be offered a loaner, nor have I ever expected one. For a few years I went to brown’s because they provided a loaner. I was always sorry to return their k100 and pick up the old airhead, but eventually for whatever reason, they stopped providing a loaner, so I returned to the more convenient seaver’s who also had seemingly better parts availability for older bikes.
                  Perhaps a simpler and more businesslike solution would be rental bikes so that those of us without trailers or willing accomplices could ride in and ride out. I doubt either dealer would want to undertake it, but it would make life simpler for the working biker.

                • #5979 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Yeah, I understand the Service Loaner for those that bought the bike at the respective dealer, was informed of that policy by three dealers in So Cal, seems to be reasonable policy.

                    I agree Brandon, it was confusing you were offered one earlier, but your such a nice guy……..they assumed!!!


                  • #5995 Reply
                    Mark Borgeson

                      Also, you only qualify for a loaner while your bike is under warrantee – 2 yrs.

                    • #6026 Reply
                      Jessie Vaca

                        Guys, the people at BMW Murrieta have always given me a loaner even before I bought me scooter there. My GS is well past the warranty period and still a loaner???

                      • #6027 Reply
                        Bill Allen

                          My experience has been that the loaner policy varies by dealer, but the typical answer is you get a loaner (if one is available) if you bought the bike there. Just because it’s a BMW doesn’t matter.

                          Another solution is to do your own service.

                        • #6030 Reply
                          Chris Roady

                            Long Beach used to give a loaner regardless of where you purchased or warranty status, but changed their policy a few years ago to only providing one if you purchased from them. I don’t know if it has an under warranty clause as well. I took my ’08 RT, that I purchased private party in Sacramento, in for service there a few times and always got one several years ago.

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