Calimesa Oak Glen Day Ride

Calimesa Oak Glen Day Ride

Forums Rides Calimesa Oak Glen Day Ride

  • Creator
  • #5732 Reply
    John Crittenden

      This will be a leisurely ride through Loma Linda, Redlands, and into Calimesa for lunch at George’s Market and Delicatessen.   Wear your Lederhosen and Tyrolean helmet, as this is a very nice German place.  (I’ll be bringing a cooler bag for snagging some goodies for home!).     Followed by a route through Oak Glen with the obligatory Ice Cream stop.      We can leave from Green River/91 at 10 a.m.      About 110 miles from Green River and back.

      Link to Calendar

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    • Author
      • #5778 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Well Karen & I won’t be going on this ride, our Ohio son is in town for a short while and we HAVE to have lunch with him Saturday.

        • #5780 Reply
          Danny Wassenaar

            Elaine & I also have to change our ride plans due to family coming in from out of state.

          • #5781 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Okay, understood (I had the same sit last weekend!). Well, we’ll see who shows up!

            • #5786 Reply
              David Omlor

                Thank you for the great ride and destinations today John.
                It’s not that hot! 🙂

              • #5787 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  The highest I saw was only 103…..Felt fine!

                  Thanks for you all being there! We had a good time!

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