Aerostich Pop-Up Event in Reno

Aerostich Pop-Up Event in Reno

Forums General Aerostich Pop-Up Event in Reno

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  • #5665 Reply
    Bill Reitz

      Anyone need a reason to ride ??

      Hello Everyone,

      Aerostich is having a pop-up event on June 15-18 in Reno NV.

      This is a great opportunity to learn about the Aerostich product line from the experts at the event, to benefit them assisting you with sizing and buying your gear, and if you find a suit on the rack you will get a 15% discount from the order price.
      If you need to order your suit, you will receive free shipping in lieu of the discount.

      Two years ago, I attended their Las Vegas Pop Up and learned of the pros & cons of the various product lines from the expert staff. As a result, I was able to make a buy decision and ordered the two-piece, waterproof Darien model.

      This is a great opportunity to obtain the exact suit that meets your riding needs!

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