April 2017 Newsletter

April 2017 Newsletter

Forums Newsletters April 2017 Newsletter

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  • Author
    • #5124 Reply
      Dale Sprosty

        Great Newsletter Erasmo!! Running out of superlatives!

      • #5125 Reply
        Ralf Tuchmann

          Dale, great ride and report on Mexico just one question how did you get over the WALL?

        • #5126 Reply
          John Crittenden


          • #5127 Reply
            Dale Sprosty

              Burrowed under. You would have loved this ride my friend!!

            • #5130 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Ok, now I KNOW Tom White can write a ride report! Well done Tom, the report and ride lead!

                Great newsletter, when you can’t make it, like reading about what I missed!

              • #5131 Reply
                Vern Shrader

                  Hi John,

                  Great Newsletter as usual. Guess nobody bothered to read your President’s message. Good April Fools joke ๐Ÿ™‚ Robin was ready to check out the local leather shops, tattoo parlors and HOG shops for a new “bitch pad.” As you said the SCBMWRC are a progressive bunch. Only problem I see with such a merger is that the coaster’s will probably fall asleep at the evening mixers since they would probably start after everyone’s bed time, lol. Thanks for the PM effort, but it kind of sad that most the membership didn’t read it. Great personal effort on your part Mr. President!

                • #5132 Reply
                  Larry Troffer

                    April Fools??!! Bummer. I thought John was serious. How disappointing.

                  • #5134 Reply
                    Mark Borgeson

                      Shoot! I guess I’ll have to sell back my new Harley.

                    • #5137 Reply
                      David Eastly

                        I thought the President’s message was hilarious!

                      • #5148 Reply

                          I did read it, found odd thing, didn’t even think if the April fools day joke at all. I was sad to say the least. But I did check the website logo again to see if changes went through. But now I am happy again ๐Ÿ™‚

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