2017 MOA Rally Camping Update – Salt Lake City, July 13-16, 2107

2017 MOA Rally Camping Update – Salt Lake City, July 13-16, 2107

Forums 2017 MOA Rally Camping Update – Salt Lake City, July 13-16, 2107

  • Creator
  • #5088 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Hi, I just wanted to let all South Coaster know we are confirmed on our group camping for the rally this year.  Over the next couple of months we will continue our planning, mostly at club meetings and on this site to assist and coordinate plans for those attending this years rally.    I will be keeping a list of those who are planning attending, camping/hotel, and ride/return dates & general routes to allow people to travel in groups if desired.

      For now, please get your registration into the MOA rally registration site at:


      Or by mail by sending in the flyer registration in your April issue of MOA magazine.

      Also, for those that really want to get involved I found a site for volunteer registration.  This is a great way to get to know people and really get involved:


      Sharon and I are really looking forward to this years rally.  If you are considering making this adventure, please come to a club meeting or just ask.  There are a number of South Coasters who can help answer questions or assist.


    Viewing 6 reply threads
    • Author
      • #5109 Reply
        Mike Romo

          I’m i in I bought my rally ticket.

        • #5149 Reply

            Bought my Rally ticket as well.

          • #5153 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              Rick & Lisa have tickets, and we’re camping, in style.

            • #5245 Reply
              Bill Allen

                I’m planning on going. Camping, of course. If I can get the time off, I’ll leave Tuesday arriving mid-day Thursday and avoiding I-15 altogether.

              • #5253 Reply
                Mike Romo

                  Bill have you planned your route yet? I’m intrigued, I’d just have to get approval from Lydia.
                  Camping enroute?

                • #5258 Reply
                  Bill Allen

                    Hi, Mike!
                    Right now, the route is tentative, but I’m planning to spend Tuesday night in Bishop, Wednesday night in Ely reaching the rally around mid day on Thursday. Not firm on camping or moteling on the way. This is not an Iron Butt route, but definitely avoids the Interstate.

                  • #5267 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      Looking like the South Coasters will be well represented, hope more are considering joining this great event. As of today I have the following and will update the Rally Camping Chairman:

                      Rick Catarineau
                      Lisa Catarineau
                      Mike Romo
                      Chris Roady
                      David & Nicole Eastly
                      Bikram Mann (Hotel)
                      John Crittenden
                      Bill Allen (undetermined)
                      Karl & Sharon Wagner

                      (noted in bikes numbers we have 9 to date. 7 confirmed camping)

                      Please let any of us know if you have questions, going to be a great trip!

                      We will be talking about planning and routes at upcoming meetings.

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