2017 49er Rally, 26-28 May

2017 49er Rally, 26-28 May

Forums Calendar Events 2017 49er Rally, 26-28 May

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    • #5061 Reply
      Michael Pirosh

        Karl, FYI, I just signed up for the Nor Cal 49er RAllY in Maripoa, May 25-29, 2017. I’m going to stay in a motel. Are you still planning on going?

        Mike Pirosh

        (Mike, I moved your post to the correct Forum Topic, and also moved Karl’s reply. JTC)

      • #5135 Reply
        Troy Stone

          There’s about a 75% chance that Michele and I will be attending. Working on Dog Sitter or I need a side car real soon. Once that is locked down we will register. Looks like good event. Anyone ever been there?

        • #5136 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Hey Troy,
            Rick and Lisa Canterneau as well as John Crittenden have made the rally for several years. Sharon and I went once two years ago and are planning on going again this year.

          • #5158 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              Rick & Lisa are paid and confirmed, camping of course.

            • #5159 Reply
              Troy Stone

                Quick question…We are ready to register since we have a dog sitter. What’s the deal on the dinner?? We like to go out to eat but want to see if there is something we are missing.

                I need to go big here as I am making Michele give up a sailing weekend for a “even better” event!!!

                Thanks for the help and looking forward to the event.

              • #5197 Reply
                Richard Catarineau

                  Troy – the optional $20 Sat night dinner is part of the experience. The food is good but served in a big hall with shared tables and close sitting. I wouldn’t call it romantic. But if you want a fancy restaurant the small town of Mariposa is about 2 miles away (probably not walking distance).

                • #5206 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    I’m passing on the Saturday night dinner myself. It’s okay, but I’d rather spend $20 somewhere else.

                  • #5207 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      When is everyone heading up? We are not able to leave until late afternoon Thursday or Friday early morning, anyone heading up then?

                      Also, since we have Memorial Day Monday, we may head over the mountains Sunday, camp somewhere on the Eastern Sierra and finish hwy 395 on Monday. Anyone in???

                    • #5209 Reply
                      Troy Stone


                        We won’t know until we get a little closer on if we can head up Thursday or Friday. At best Thursday AM. More then likely mid day Thursday.

                        Monday plan sounds great.

                        We’re planning on attending the May meeting. Finalize some plans then?

                      • #5210 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          Coordinating at the May club meeting will work fine. Thanks

                        • #5244 Reply
                          Bill Allen

                            I’m planning on going. Camping, of course.

                          • #5397 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              As a reminder, there is no overall club organized ride to the Rally. I will be heading up Friday morning, with Roberto, Brandon?, Rick and Lisa?. Likely we will be setting up our tents on the big field—lots of room and grassy.
                              Also, there will also be mileage to add to the contest, which I will take care of.

                            • #5412 Reply
                              Brandon Wilson


                                You can count me in for the ride up.

                              • #5416 Reply
                                Richard Catarineau

                                  John – Lisa and I are riding up Friday morning. What’s your plan?

                                • #5418 Reply
                                  Jessie Vaca

                                    Guys, I might ride up Early Saturday and stay at a hotel Saturday night. Anyone else up for that, is so let me know

                                  • #5422 Reply
                                    John Crittenden

                                      Rick and Lisa, if you want, we can all ride up Friday morning, like we usually do! I’ll do a route there, maybe one back, and we can review.

                                    • #5428 Reply
                                      Richard Catarineau

                                        Sounds good. Let see a route.

                                      • #5429 Reply
                                        Karl Wagner

                                          Let’s try Sherman Grade again this year!!!! :0

                                        • #5437 Reply
                                          Bill Allen

                                            When you register for the rally, be sure to put down SCBMWRC as your affiliated club. We might win the attendance award. It’s happened before. If you’ve already pre-registered, at check in find the Rally Master and tell him/her that you want to add club affiliation to your application.

                                            See you there! I’m already packed!

                                          • #5439 Reply
                                            Karl Wagner

                                              Thank you Bill, will do at the rally. Save us some camping room, we will be up late Friday. Sherman Pass or bust!


                                            • #5440 Reply
                                              Bill Allen

                                                Ride safe on Sherman Pass, Karl. Every time I’ve been on that road, it’s been pretty treacherous (gravel, deer, slow moving vehicles). However, the view from the top as well as 9 mile canyon (!) are worth it.

                                              • #5441 Reply
                                                Bill Reitz

                                                  Tioga Pass road is still buried under lots of snow so 120 is out to cross the Sierra’s. Have a great Rally.

                                                • #5460 Reply
                                                  Karl Wagner

                                                    Thinking about it, Sherman Pass re-visit will have to wait until a Kernville ride for me.

                                                    Current Plan is to head up a bit more direct route, then head up into the hills and find Elwood, Tollhouse, Auberry, etc, on the way to Mariposa, 7hr riding, 350 miles…..wish I could leave now!

                                                    Sunday will head home the long way, continue North on 49 to 88, hopefully to 98, the only passes apparently open, and come back down 395 to stay Sunday night in Bridgeport, 5.5hr riding, 250mils. Coming home Monday from Bridgeport, 6hr riding 350 miles.

                                                  • #5461 Reply
                                                    Richard Catarineau

                                                      Karl – Don’t forget that Memorial weekend is the traditional day to open the passes. You might have options for the ride home. Anyhow, if you and John make a route up there, Lisa and I will join you to explore that area around Tollhouse.

                                                    • #5462 Reply
                                                      Troy Stone

                                                        Michele and I are leaving Friday early, early AM. Maybe Fresno then some good 2 laners..open to suggestions. Looking forward to a great weekend. See you all there.

                                                      • #5463 Reply
                                                        Bill Reitz

                                                          Just a reminder for the Rally goers…. Coming home Monday (Memorial Day) on 395 there will be extra traffic around Bishop due to celebrating Mule Days from May 23rd to the 28th. Tioga Pass won’t be open till LATE June due to so much snow this year.
                                                          Caltrans website will be your friend.

                                                        • #5464 Reply
                                                          John Crittenden

                                                            Here’s the route we worked up to get to Mariposa. We’re foregoing Sherman Pass also in favor of more backroads after Bakersfield. Leaving Panera Bread in La Canada at 8 a.m. Friday. About 340 miles, 7-8 hrs.

                                                          • #5467 Reply
                                                            Bill Allen

                                                              Packed and ready to go!

                                                            • #5469 Reply
                                                              Karl Wagner

                                                                I would say you are looking forward to this weekend Bill!??

                                                              • #5472 Reply
                                                                Roberto Giraldes

                                                                  I’ll be there John!

                                                                • #5473 Reply
                                                                  Bill Allen

                                                                    Yes, I am Karl. It’s been a long time.

                                                                    See you there!

                                                                  • #5474 Reply
                                                                    Karl Wagner

                                                                      Great Bill, look forward to seeing you there and hanging out in the beer garden a few nights!

                                                                    • #5475 Reply
                                                                      John Crittenden

                                                                        Troy and Michelle——we’ll be leaving Panera Bread in La Canada right around 8 a.m. if you want to join us!

                                                                        Roberto, will see you there!

                                                                        Mr. Allen, looking forward to hanging!

                                                                        Karl, Sharon, maybe we’ll see you around Tollhouse or Auburn.

                                                                      • #5476 Reply
                                                                        Karl Wagner

                                                                          Do I REALLY need to work two more days before heading out to the 49’er Rally????? 🙃

                                                                        • #5477 Reply
                                                                          Bill Reitz

                                                                            No you don’t NEED to work two more days Karl, you don’t look very well and should rest so you don’t expose your co-workers.

                                                                          • #5478 Reply
                                                                            Bill Reitz

                                                                              No you don’t NEED to work two more days Karl, you don’t look very well and should rest so you don’t expose your co-workers.

                                                                            • #5479 Reply
                                                                              Bill Allen

                                                                                One more day for me! Tick tock!

                                                                              • #5484 Reply
                                                                                Karl Wagner

                                                                                  Thanks Dr. Reitz, can you give me a prescription for Open Roads and Clear Skies! 🙂

                                                                                • #5488 Reply
                                                                                  Brandon Wilson

                                                                                    Heads up – if I have to take a presentation on Friday morning I will not make the ride with the group and ride up separate. John, can you share the route and maybe I can catch y’all since it would be a small delay. If I don’t have the presentation, I will meet you at Panera.

                                                                                  • #5489 Reply
                                                                                    Bill Reitz

                                                                                      Brandon, look up at post 5464 where John posted the GPX & PDF route files.

                                                                                    • #5500 Reply
                                                                                      Bill Allen

                                                                                        Made it to the rally! A grueling 350 mile ride! If you haven’t left yet, you should stay home. All the good spots are taken. Oh yeah, the weather is terrible, too.

                                                                                        Sorry Bill – 5 MB limit on uploads. (Rick C)

                                                                                      • #5509 Reply
                                                                                        John Crittenden

                                                                                          Wow, what a great riding weekend! Thanks to all 10 who attended (and, no, there was no 49er provision for club attendance, but we don’t need no stinkin’ prizes!).

                                                                                        • #5511 Reply
                                                                                          Bill Allen

                                                                                            I don’t know if Rick uploaded the “history” folder to the website, but if he did, there are some photos of past awards. You can file this under the category of “mildly interesting”.

                                                                                          • #5512 Reply
                                                                                            Bill Allen

                                                                                              Thanks for the attachment size limit, Rick. I adjusted my camera settings.

                                                                                            • #5517 Reply
                                                                                              John Crittenden

                                                                                                I checked with the Rally Master. Maybe in the past, but…

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