Past Presidents Breakfast and Planes of Fame

Past Presidents Breakfast and Planes of Fame

Forums Calendar Events Past Presidents Breakfast and Planes of Fame

  • Creator
  • #4692 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Sunday, March 5, 9:00 a.m. at Flo’s Airport Cafe.

      This will also serve as our General Meeting, after we feed and fete the guys and gals who have served the SCBMWRC as Head Honcho/Honchette.

      Flo’s is very busy on Sunday mornings, and I will get there early. They can accommodate us but do not take reservations.

      They will be serving communal platters of Biscuits and Gravy, so bring your spoons!

      Please let me know via the Ride List, FB, or reply here. We probably will have 25-30 for this Breakfast!

      Afterwards, I have arranged a group rate for visiting the Planes of Fame museum. If you have not done the museum, it is very very cool. The group rate is $8.00 per adult.

      Calendar Link

    Viewing 19 reply threads
    • Author
      • #4704 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Karen & I will be there, I LOVE to be feted (I think ??)

        • #4705 Reply
          Brandon Wilson

            Will be there 🙂

          • #4724 Reply
            Vern Shrader

              I’ll be there, but Robin’s got out of town guests visiting

            • #4727 Reply
              John Crittenden

                Wir werden Dich vermissen, Ralf!

              • #4733 Reply
                Paul Nelson

                  Thanks, John, Paul and Gale will be there!


                • #4736 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    Okay, since no one seems to have access to a dictionary:

                    fete also fĂȘte (fāt, fĕt)
                    1. A festival or feast.
                    a. An elaborate, often outdoor entertainment.
                    b. An elaborate party.
                    tr.v. fet·ed, fet·ing, fetes also fĂȘt·ed or fĂȘt·ing or fĂȘtes
                    1. To celebrate or honor with a festival, a feast, or an elaborate entertainment.
                    2. To pay honor to.

                  • #4737 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      I learn something new every encounter from this fine group………..this time good……….

                    • #4740 Reply
                      Phillip Blackstone

                        I will be there but cannot go on the ride.

                      • #4741 Reply
                        Larry Troffer

                          I plan to go.

                        • #4744 Reply
                          Mark Borgeson

                            Anyone headed out from South OC?
                            Let’s meet up at 8:00am at the Chevron, 23891 Bridger Rd, Lake Forest, CA 92630. (I5 and El Toro)

                          • #4749 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              Phil, there is no set ride afterward—I was looking at doing the Chino Planes of Fame Museum as a group activity.

                            • #4785 Reply
                              Roberto Giraldes

                                Mark! I’ll be there 7:45 am.

                              • #4786 Reply
                                David Omlor

                                  Hello all y’all – I’ll see you then. Thanks for the meet-up Mark!

                                • #4787 Reply
                                  Ted Taylor

                                    Its a long way to go, but I’ll be there.

                                  • #4794 Reply

                                      I haven’t figured out my plans as yet, but hope to make it. Good place and good food.

                                    • #4796 Reply
                                      Erasmo Brenes

                                        I’ll be attending, and this time, I won’t ride to wrong airport 🙂

                                      • #4803 Reply
                                        Mike Romo

                                          Save me a chair, I plan on being there. See you all on Sunday.
                                          Mike Romo

                                        • #4813 Reply
                                          Ed Anjel

                                            Sorry guys, but I won’t be there this year. Unfortunately I won’t get my bike back in time from Irv Seaver’s. They’re rebuilding the rear shock.

                                            Next year, I’ll be there for sure.

                                          • #4814 Reply
                                            Bill Reitz

                                              Hey Ed, we don’t see you enough as it is. You could always “drive the car” to Flo’s. Just an idea.

                                            • #4815 Reply
                                              David Eastly

                                                I’ll be there, rain or shine. Nicole will be there “shine”.

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