Positive Feedback for Irv Seaver

Positive Feedback for Irv Seaver

Forums General Positive Feedback for Irv Seaver

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  • #4656 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Hey guys –
      I thought I would share some positive feedback today for Irv Seaver. No, this is not a sales pitch and I am not working there ha. But all too often people take to providing feedback when it is negative in nature and I thought I would share my positive Saturday story.

      First, I knew I was getting ready for a new set of tires but was hoping to squeeze a few more miles out of the stock set. With Death Valley in the forecast, I was going to have the shop look at the tires and maybe give me an OK for eat least another 1K. That was before the bike would not start this morning. Pulled the cover off and got ready for the quick 18 mile trek to the club meeting and wrrrrrrrrrr goes the pinion without flywheel engagement. Bummer. Out comes the rather large battery pack for a quick jump start and I am on my way. For those who read this thread, I would appreciate some feedback on a portable motorcycle battery pack with jump cables. There are lots out there and the one I keep in the trunk of my car will not fit on the bike : ) (Rick C. if you read this what was the one you recommend?) Needless to say, that sealed the deal that I would want the shop to do once over on the charging system and since I was due for the 6K service anyway maybe there was room in the schedule today. I did worry that the new Clearwater lights were the culprit since that was the only thing I added recently but I seriously doubted there would be an open short draining juice.

      I got to the meeting without issue and went straight to service. Harley was quite accommodating and did not bat an eye when thinking of all the work the bike might need today. A quick 10 min later she was confident it would be done today, paperwork was done and I was off to enjoy the meeting.

      Tacos today were great and so was the company. Hopefully the CPR class was a hit!

      Jumped on a F800GS to enjoy the last few hours at home and went to retrieve the bike around 3:30. The team found nothing wrong with the charging system, clean bill of health with a brake fluid flush and a new set of PR4s to boot (what a difference over the stock Metzeler). BMW really needs to consider dumping that line, seriously. Bike was cleaned (still nasty from new year’s eve camping) and ready to hit the road. I did manage to stumble into a Schuberth helmet I fell in love with and it just so happened to find its way out the door too.

      Bottom line for me; Saturday started with a stumble and needed a bunch of work done. I was quite happy that it was done today and without hesitation of the Service team. One of these days when I have a garage I will do more of this work myself but for now, I am glad to have a flexible and accommodating service team at Irv. Thank you!

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    • Author
      • #4657 Reply
        Paul Nelson

          I agree. I’ve been a fan of irv seavers for my 16 year riding career. Very accommodating. Sure during service some unexpected parts were needed, however, they always made it as painless as possible. Great organization.

        • #4658 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            Brandon – I like my Intocircuit battery because it has multiple USB ports for charging things at night when camping. They have several models, but the one I have isn’t available anymore. You can find them on Amazon. Also, the CW lights are LED and don’t draw much from the battery.

            PS – the last 1000 miles on a tire go QUICK!

          • #4659 Reply
            Brandon Wilson

              Thanks Rick. Lots of choices on Amazon and I appreciate the recommendation. I would rather buy something that I know has been proven!

              Good point on the lights, and agreed they should not have been the culprit. Perhaps gods way of delaying me a bit this morning for one reason or another.

              What is interesting is the draw the CW lights do have on the system. 13.8 with them off and 13.6 on at 60%, 13.5 at 100%. I would not expect a .3 drop in volts to undercharge and I don’t run them at 100% brightness.

            • #4660 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Brandon, did Seaver do a battery test and if so what did they find ??

              • #4664 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Hey Brando, spot on for the team as Seavers, not only did they do all that for you yesterday, but Seavers hosted our CPR class in the old showroom across the street. Thank you Evan and Lois for your support of motorcycle riding AND safety!

                • #4665 Reply
                  Brandon Wilson

                    Bill, that is the interesting part. Battery and charging system checked out. Will just have to keep monitoring and a portable boot pack is on the way just in case.

                    When I went to start yesterday it was 11.7 V. About 1 V short of a successful start event. After service yesterday, battery was holding at 12.7 before start. I will have to check it later this week to see if it maintains or drops.

                    Someday when I have a garage a tender will be nice. Currently I only have covered parking so a tender is not possible that is plugged in. Maybe there is a battery pack tender option out there that I could look for.

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