Retirees Ride

Retirees Ride

Forums Rides Retirees Ride

  • Creator
  • #4600 Reply
    Roberto Giraldes

      I am going to go to Julian on Wednesday to have lunch there. If anyone wants to come, you will be welcome. My phone # is 949-3574438.

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    • Author
      • #4639 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Wish I could Roberto, have a good ride, enjoy lunch and have PIE!

        • #4641 Reply
          Roberto Giraldes

            I wil have that.Thanks Karl!

          • #4670 Reply
            David Omlor

              Hey Roberto – anything planned for tomorrow, the 8th ?

            • #4671 Reply
              Roberto Giraldes

                Hi David! Let’s go to Julian? We can meet at the gas station located on the intersection of I5 x Oslo Pkwy. Is 9.00 am good for you? 5, 76, Mesa Grande Rd, 79! What do you think?

              • #4672 Reply
                David Omlor

                  Here’s the new plan: We will meet at the Arco Gas Station at the north-west corner of El Toro at Moulton Parkway at 9 o’clock. From there we will ride down El Toro to the 133, taking it to the PCH.

                  On the PCH we will ride north through Dana Point, Newport Beach, etc through Huntington Beach and then rest at Seal Beach. Then we will decide if we will find a good eatery in Seal Beach for lunch, if we want to shoot up to Long Beach and the Aquarium or Queen Mary or not…very wily-nily… figure it out once we get to Seal Beach.

                  See you in the morning!

                • #5280 Reply
                  David Omlor

                    May 03 (Wednesday) Ride to Toms Farms fr lunch!
                    Mike Pirosh and Chris Roady and I plan a casual ride to Toms Farms for lunch, leaving the Chevron Station at Oso and Antonio Parkway at 11:00, taking the Ortega to Temescal Canyon, then to Toms Farms for lunch and browsing the Farm.
                    All are welcome! Let us know if you can join.
                    – David

                  • #5281 Reply
                    David Omlor
                    • #5285 Reply
                      Larry Troffer

                        David – I plan to make the ride. I’ll likely wait for you at Antonio and Ortega because it’s closer to home, so don’t wait for me at the Chevron station.

                      • #5288 Reply
                        David Omlor

                          Delighted to have you join Larry!

                          Here is a link to coupon deals you may want to take advantage of:


                        • #5292 Reply
                          David Omlor

                            When we arrive at the corner of rte 74 and Grand Ave at Elisnore, this .gpx file takes us to Toms Farms:

                          • #5295 Reply
                            Jacob Furgatch

                              Just browsing the site and see that you guys are going on a ride tomorrow, May 3rd? Can I join in? Are semi-retired club members welcome?

                            • #5296 Reply
                              David Omlor

                                Hi Jacob! It will be a great treat for you to join us!

                                Call me if you have any questions: 714-307-6633

                                – David

                              • #5312 Reply
                                Jacob Furgatch

                                  Thanks for the great ride! More inspiration for me to make retirement my full-time occupation sooner.

                                • #5419 Reply
                                  Jessie Vaca

                                    Anyone up for a ride tomorrow May 19, destination not important, if so let me know!

                                  • #5420 Reply
                                    Chris Roady

                                      Wish I could Jessie … one more day in our weeklong adventure in babysitting our youngest grandchild (1.5 yrs old) while his folks are in Hawaii … I’m afraid leaving the Mrs on her own would have a payback down the road that I’m not willing to risk 😂

                                    • #5421 Reply
                                      David Omlor

                                        Hi Jesse! Great idea 🙂

                                        Mike Pirosh and I are going to meet at the Chevron station at the corner of OSO and ANTONIO Pkwy. tomorrow at 10:30. We are just going to take a casual ride out Ortega to Hunny’s Restaurant in Elsinore for lunch.

                                        No other plans other than lunch and return.

                                        We would be delighted if you or any other Coasters can join, or if any have an alternative ride you’d like to suggest.

                                        Call me if you have any questions: 714-307-6633

                                        – David

                                      • #5423 Reply
                                        Jessie Vaca

                                          I might try to meet you at Hunny’s since it is almost 10:30

                                        • #5430 Reply
                                          David Omlor

                                            Yea!! Jesse joined us at Hunny’s for lunch and great conversation. We learned that Jesse also has a sweet BMW C650 Scooter which he road to Hunny’s

                                          • #5442 Reply
                                            Chris Roady

                                              I’m going to take a local mountain jaunt Thursday if anyone is interested. I will ride up 18 into Lake Arrowhead, around 173, down 189 & 138 thru Crestline, Silverwood, etc., across the 15, and up to Wrightwood for lunch. Home via Hwy 2 / Angeles Crest to your slab of choice. “Goal” would be to hit the bottom of Angeles Crest just before afternoon LA exodus traffic. Let me know if interested and we could plan a meet up at the Starbucks at the base of 18 (Waterman and 40th) in San Bernardino around 9:00AM.

                                            • #5443 Reply
                                              Jessie Vaca

                                                Chris, I may be up for a ride on Thursday!

                                              • #5501 Reply
                                                Chris Roady

                                                  Jesse and I had a nice 230 mile loop today in our local mountains. Arrowhead, Crestline, Lake Silverwood, Lunch in Wrightwood and an uncrowned Angeles Crest Hwy. here is Jesse tearing up Hwy2 on the new ride 👍🏻

                                                • #5515 Reply
                                                  David Omlor

                                                    Going to Mother’s Kitchen at Palomar mountain tomorrow for lunch.
                                                    Leaving from the Von’s parking lot at Alicia Pkwy and Pacific Park at 10 o’clock, taking the I5 to the 76 over to S6 South Grade Road and up.
                                                    Returning down the S7 East Grade Road then on the 76 then the 79 through Murrieta to Ortega and back home.
                                                    All are welcome to join!
                                                    – David

                                                  • #5516 Reply
                                                    David Omlor

                                                      Oh No!!!
                                                      I just checked and Mother’s Kitchen is closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays ! 🙁
                                                      So, I may have to reschedule for next Monday.
                                                      We can discuss at Saturday’s General Meeting.
                                                      – David

                                                    • #5519 Reply
                                                      John Crittenden

                                                        David, if I may make a suggestion: New Retirees rides should go under a new heading, such as including the date. That way, don’t get confused with earlier rides.

                                                      • #5626 Reply
                                                        Jessie Vaca

                                                          I’m up for a ride most days, just let me know!

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