General Meeting, Rock Inn  1-8-17

General Meeting, Rock Inn 1-8-17

Forums Calendar Events General Meeting, Rock Inn 1-8-17

  • Creator
  • #4469 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Our first General Meeting of the new year will be a ride to the Rock Inn in Lake Hughes.    We will meet at the Panera Bread in La Canada, 10 a.m.

      Please post here or email me so that I have an approximate number to reserve space for us at the Rock Inn.

      Here is the link to the Calendar:

    Viewing 20 reply threads
    • Author
      • #4482 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Karen & I should be there.

        • #4484 Reply
          Dale Sprosty

            Will not be able to attend this board meeting John.

          • #4485 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              We plan on being there.

            • #4486 Reply
              Mark Borgeson

                I’ll be there. My sugar mamma will be working so I can be there 🙂

              • #4489 Reply
                Peter Wawro

                  Probably will attend . P.wawro

                • #4490 Reply
                  David Omlor

                    Weather permitting, I will be there too.

                    Did you or Wild Bil create a GPX route for us yet…hint, hint…:-)

                  • #4493 Reply
                    Bill Reitz

                      Hey John about 12 have answered yes on the Club Facebook page.

                    • #4501 Reply
                      John Crittenden

                        Okay, I’ll call Rock Inn tomorrow, and let them know 10-30 of us will be there about 12 noon Sunday!

                        David, is this what you’re looking for? The return route is also on this gpx, but is open to discussion.

                      • #4503 Reply
                        Erasmo Brenes

                          I’m planning on attending. Are there any members riding from OC to the Panera meet-up?

                        • #4504 Reply
                          David Omlor

                            Hello Erasmo – I plan to meet Mike Pirosh and Dave Basing at the Chevron on the corner of Lake Forest and Research Drive – 16221 Lake Forest Dr, Irvine, CA 92618 – around 8 o’clock

                            If we leave KSU by 8:30, taking the 5 to the 57 to the 210 we should arrive by 9:30 for a quick break at Panera.

                            Does this work for you?

                            Anyone else in the area is very welcome to join or offer other suggestions.

                            Happy New Year all y’all 🙂

                          • #4506 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              Wow, Mike Pirosh on his new GS? Look forward to seeing the new ride!

                            • #4508 Reply
                              Erasmo Brenes

                                Hi David,

                                I can be at 8:30am on the I-5 between Jamboree and Tustin Ranch exits and join you guys as you go by.
                                See you then.


                              • #4510 Reply

                                  What? Mike the undertaker bought a GS. I am behind on the news! I gotta see him on this bike.

                                • #4512 Reply
                                  David Omlor

                                    Mike has informed me that he will not be able to make this trip after all.

                                    He sends his regrets/regards.

                                  • #4513 Reply
                                    Bill Reitz

                                      David you can’t let him off that easy !! Ride over to his house, sit outside and rev your engine to stir him & the neighbors up. Oh never mind. We ride the quiet bikes. 😔

                                    • #4514 Reply
                                      Larry Troffer

                                        I plan to go. I’ll meet David O at the Chevron station.

                                      • #4515 Reply
                                        Mark Borgeson

                                          I’ll meet you all at the Chevron on Lake Forest.

                                        • #4516 Reply
                                          Bill Reitz

                                            If anyone wants to meet at Spaghettini Grill I will be leaving there at 0840 with Mr. Nelson.
                                            You Chevron boys don’t get in our way on the 210.

                                          • #4517 Reply
                                            Erasmo Brenes

                                              Had a great time! What a turnout! (was it a club record?)

                                              Thanks John C for putting this ride together.

                                            • #4518 Reply
                                              David Omlor

                                                This was such a fun and fantastic way to shake the cob-webs off.
                                                Beautiful day – very little traffic – great roads (even the closed one!) and great to see all y”all again.

                                                Thanks JC and also BR for ride leading group three. 280 mi. rt on the RT for me.

                                              • #4519 Reply
                                                John Crittenden

                                                  Thank you all for being there today!
                                                  We had a total of 29 members and prospective members, on 24 bikes.
                                                  And, yeah, although we had a closed road, the great window of weather more than made up for it. Bill and Ron, thanks for assisting on herding!

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