St. George Rally alert

St. George Rally alert

Forums General St. George Rally alert

  • Creator
  • #3752 Reply
    Mike Romo

      As of today, I don’t believe I’ll be attending the MOA Getaway Weekend. Lydia my wife, had emergency surgery 3 weeks ago. She is still very weak and not very mobile. I’d rather not discuss her condition in a public forum, but for those of you that know her, I’d be able to discuss her condition with you. please contact me at 562-505-2243.
      The reservation is in place for the North Rim Campground
      arriving 9-25-16,
      leaving 9-27-16 morning.
      Site 036
      Reservation # 2-34712460

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    • Author
      • #3757 Reply
        Mark Borgeson

          I’m sorry to hear that. I hope Lydia feels better soon.

          How many people are planning on staying at the campground?

        • #3759 Reply
          John Crittenden

            I was looking at it, but as Beth and I were just at Grand Canyon, and I’ve got a lot of work, will have to pass.
            Mike, I’ll send you a PM.

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