Reply To: 2016 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Ride, 10/29/16 – Torrance, CA

Reply To: 2016 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Ride, 10/29/16 – Torrance, CA

Forums Calendar Events 2016 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Ride, 10/29/16 – Torrance, CA Reply To: 2016 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Ride, 10/29/16 – Torrance, CA

Karl Wagner

    Here is the Short Cut:

    click on the “Get Involved” tab,

    Click on the “Support a Particpant”

    Click on the “Search for a Team”

    Type in “South Coast BMW Riders Club”

    Then “Join the Team” or “Donate Now”

    It will be great to see a group of South Coasters support this event!
