2016 Christmas SC Party

2016 Christmas SC Party

Forums Calendar Events 2016 Christmas SC Party

  • Creator
  • #3575 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Merry Christmas!

      This years’ Christmas party will be hosted by Joni and David Omlor, 10 December, 6:30 p.m. to ???. Their address is 28621 Jaeger Drive, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677.

      As usual, the club will provide the plentyness of Turkey and Ham (prepared by the Omlors). Please let Joni know what appetizer, side dish, or dessert you would like to bring. Joni’s email address is [email protected].

      If you would like to participate in the Xmas Gift Exchange (and who wouldn’t!), please bring a wrapped surprise—-we have set the limit at no more than $20.

      There is also the sign up on the Ride List, so please add your names to the list.

      Thanks and see you there!

      Calendar Event

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    • Author
      • #4361 Reply
        John Crittenden

          All the information on the SCBMWRC Christmas party is now noted above and on the Calendar.

        • #4408 Reply
          John Crittenden

            A BIG South Coaster Thank You to Joni and David Omlor for hosting the Christmas Party at their beautiful home. We had a great time, with good friends, good foods, and too many desserts!

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