Ride to Live Training

Ride to Live Training

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    • #3115 Reply
      Karl Wagner

        We are in for the July 16, 2016 Class also!


      • #3329 Reply

          Registered for July 16th.

        • #3381 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            If you John, Bikram \, or anyone else who may be attending, would like to meet for bfast before the class this Saturday, let me know and I will meet you. If we meet near the class we can meet, grab a quick bfast at 7:00am or so and get there in time for registration at 7:30am.


          • #3382 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Thanks, Karl. Probably better at 6:30, don’t you think?

            • #3383 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                6:30am it is, what is your preference, something simple like a Starbucks or full breakfast. The class location is not great for eating routes but if you tell me your fwy route I will pick something along your way. I anticipate Bikram will be coming up the 405. Let me know if off the 405 works between the 110 and the 105 say.

              • #3385 Reply

                  I am on a wait list at position #1. I’ll probably won’t know till by Friday. Sean said people usually cancel end of last week.

                • #3386 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Bikram, check with them tommorrow, we cancelled my son’s spot late yesterday because of bike issues. Curtis Wagner should be canceled.

                  • #3396 Reply
                    David Eastly

                      Just signed up for Saturday, thanks to some cancellations. See you there!

                    • #3402 Reply
                      Karl Wagner

                        John, David, Bikram,
                        We are going to skip meeting for breakfast in favor of bit more sleep and a home made cup of coffee. Sorry but there is not much around the venue or within a reasonable distance down the 405. See you at the class.

                      • #3405 Reply
                        Bill Reitz

                          OK, I’m in, just got the call. There were two cancellations so I’ll see you all there.

                        • #3409 Reply
                          John Crittenden

                            Karl, Sharon, David E., Bikram, Bill R., and I had a great time, and at least I have a lot of practicing to do!

                            We found out when the certs were being passed out that two of our members (I won’t mention names) had signed up but did not show. There were 5 no-shows total, which meant that there were 5 openings.

                          • #3419 Reply

                              You snooze, you loose. I can say for the six of us that we had a great time and learning. We had our own group of six. Learned a lot, and as John mentioned, need more practice.

                              It was challenging, but then without challenges, you won’t know what you could do.

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