Ride List Settings

Ride List Settings

Forums General Ride List Settings

  • Creator
  • #3077 Reply
    Richard Catarineau

      This is a survey question:
      Do you think the email address and phone number should display on the Ride List?

      If there are no objections, I think it would be nice to be able to contact others on a ride. Of course only logged in members can see the list.


    Viewing 6 reply threads
    • Author
      • #3079 Reply
        David Omlor

          Very good idea, Rick. It would facilitate contacting potential traveling mates for a ride.

        • #3081 Reply
          John Crittenden

            That sounds fine.

          • #3082 Reply
            Paul Nelson

              Sounds good if members only can see our information. Thanks Rick

            • #3083 Reply
              Dan Burtt

                Sounds fine to me.

              • #3084 Reply
                Bill Reitz

                  I don’t mind others contacting me.

                • #3085 Reply
                  Michael Pirosh

                    Fine with me

                  • #3086 Reply
                    Richard Catarineau

                      OK, the Ayes have it. But as it turns out the email doesn’t fit the layout (too long). Besides, the email is available from the Member List already. The phone number is viewable on a cell phone, and that’s probably what will be used most on a ride for a call or text.

                      Let me know if there are any problems.

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