Membership Renewal

Membership Renewal

Forums Club Business Membership Renewal

  • Creator
  • #3016 Reply
    John Crittenden

      When you go to renew your membership, after you log in,
      1) select Members from the menu on the top at right, then Membership.

      2) The first section is My Membership. Select “View all membership options” and that will give you the Renewal/$30. Do not select Renewal with Name Tag/$45 unless you want another name tag!

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    • Author
      • #3194 Reply
        Jawna Prieto

          I don’t know who the new webmaster is, but they are doing a good job. I just renewed online, which we have never been able to do. this club always used snailmail in the past, so keep up the great work, you webmeisters!!!
          the forum/web pages look great and modern. no offense the previous webmaster who also kept the club website
          going, for years…

          thanks very much!!!


        • #3195 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            Thanks Jawna! Glad you like the site. Now let me see your name on one of the ride lists!
            We just had a great “rally” at Mt Laguna and we had a slide show from the past decade or so. Your name came up several times (all good, of course).

            Yours truly,
            The Webmeister

          • #3224 Reply

              Ooops…I wish I had read the original posting before I just renewed as I screwed up and paid $45 as i was unaware. Hope I can get a slight refund….Cheers Tom

            • #3225 Reply
              John Crittenden

                As this is the time that most Members will be renewing, please read this again. Ensure that you select the right option for renewing, as there is no way we can do refunds without hoops. If in doubt, you can contact me or Membership.

                When you go to renew your membership, after you log in:

                1) select Members from the menu on the top at right, then Membership.

                2) The first section is My Membership. Select “View all membership options” and that will give you the Renewal/$30. Do not select Renewal with Name Tag/$45 unless you want another name tag!

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