Another new member

Another new member

Forums General Another new member

  • Creator
  • #2853 Reply
    Jessie Vaca

      Hello, my name is Jessie Vaca and I recently relocated to Menifee CA. Moved here from the New Orleans area, have lived in KY and I’m originally from Chicago. I’ve been riding many years and enjoy that range anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days. All of my experience is on road although I ride a 2013 GSW. I would like to find a group to ride with and show me some of the local rides.

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    • Author
      • #2855 Reply
        Roberto Giraldes

          Wellcome Jessie. I am a new member as well.

        • #2858 Reply
          John Crittenden

            Hi, Jessie—–You’ve joined a great group!

            We are having our next General Meeting on Saturday June 4 at Irv Seavers, and this would be an excellent opportunity to meet many of the gang (as well as provided lunch). And glad to have another Inland Empirer.

          • #2859 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Welcome Jessie. Irv Seaver BMW is at 607 W Katella Ave in Orange and our Club’s General Meeting starts at 10:30. After that lunch is provided by Seaver BMW. We would like you to come by and introduce yourself to “The Gang”

            • #2895 Reply
              Paul Nelson

                Welcome Roberto and Jessie. Glad to have you aboard. I look forward to meeting you both.
                Cya soon, Paul Nelson

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