Riders Wanted

Riders Wanted

Forums Rides Riders Wanted

  • Creator
  • #2840 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Bob Levy, one of our new members, is looking for fellows to hook up with for riding, including Sunday morning. Bob resides in Laguna Beach/Lake Forest area. Please contact Bob at his email of [email protected]. He will hopefully also be at the June General Meeting.

    Viewing 15 reply threads
    • Author
      • #2872 Reply
        Dale Sprosty

          Anyone up for a ride this weekend? Was thinking Angeles Crest or possibly Lake Arrowhead/Big Bear.

        • #2873 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            Or maybe Mariposa? (49er rally)

          • #2875 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Dale, Sunday or Monday Big Bear or Angeles Crest we may be in. Bring your flag!

            • #2876 Reply
              Dale Sprosty

                Big Bear (stop off at Arrowhead village) would be fun. I could meet you in route if you want to “hook up”. Let me know Karl.

              • #2877 Reply
                Erasmo Brenes

                  Sounds like a ride in the making ๐Ÿ™‚ ?

                • #2878 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    I might be able to get in a ride Sunday……I’ll check with the missus!

                  • #2880 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      I propose Sunday, meet at Chino Airport’s Flo’s Airport Cafe at 8am for bfast, leave at 9am. Dales route to Arrowhead and wherever he wants! (figure if we meet at Flo’s JC and possible BC have to attend!)

                      All in???

                    • #2881 Reply
                      Erasmo Brenes

                        Sunday is fine with me.

                      • #2885 Reply
                        Dale Sprosty

                          See you all there!! We can decide route from there.

                        • #2886 Reply
                          Karl Wagner

                            Sunday it is, pass the word.

                          • #2887 Reply
                            Erasmo Brenes

                              Sorry to bail out but my phone died and need to replace it

                            • #2888 Reply
                              Karl Wagner

                                Missed you at bfast Erasmo, hope the phone replacement worked out.

                                BTW, did you get my article for Morro Bay in email?

                              • #2891 Reply
                                Erasmo Brenes

                                  Sorry to have missed the bkfst. I need to slowdown my reading, as I was at Flabob instead of Flo’s โ˜บ
                                  Hopefully, you guys had a good ride. I did get a new phone so I’m ready for the next ride ๐Ÿ™‚

                                  BTW, I did get your ride report for next newsletter

                                • #2894 Reply
                                  John Crittenden

                                    Had a real nice ride through Crestline, Hesperia, and Big Bear with Dale and Tom, and Karl, although Karl had to bail in Hesperia. But now we know Karl is well-lubed!

                                  • #2896 Reply
                                    Paul Nelson

                                      Well lubed??? Maybe I shouldn’t ask………….

                                    • #2897 Reply
                                      Karl Wagner

                                        It will all be made clear at next weeks club meeting…….but you must attend to hear the story……..

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