Past President's Breakfast (Sun. 4/24/2016 @ 8AM)

Past President's Breakfast (Sun. 4/24/2016 @ 8AM)

Forums General Past President's Breakfast (Sun. 4/24/2016 @ 8AM)

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    • #2546 Reply
      John Crittenden

        Do we know who is coming to this event? I haven’t seen anything else on it.

        And afterwards, we will go over to the Auto Club Speedway and have a table with info on the Club. I believe Dale will be at the table, and I can be there also.

      • #2560 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Karen & I will be there, free food you know !!

        • #2692 Reply

            I’ll be coming. Someone has to take care of the free food for Bill.

          • #2696 Reply
            Mark Borgeson

              I’m planning on going and then heading over to the RR fest for awhile.

            • #2697 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Don Williams, a past Prez, responded on the Facebook page that he will be coming since the date was changed.

              • #2698 Reply
                Erasmo Brenes

                  Any group riding to the Bkfst place? If so, where is the gathering?

                • #2699 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Karen & I are gonna ride on our own I guess. 55 to 91 to 15 to Limonite to the airport. About an hour or so.
                    You South County boys are on your own.

                  • #2700 Reply
                    Mark Borgeson

                      I’m riding from Lake Forest: 5 -> 55 -> 91 -> 60…
                      There’s a Starbucks in Tustin off the 55 at 17245 17th st.
                      Anyone want to meet up there at 7:00am?

                    • #2713 Reply
                      Dale Sprosty

                        I was at Irv Seaver’s today and the banner and other items were picked up by Danny and the crew for the Fontana speedway. I will be at the table for the morning shift or as long as needed. Should be a good turnout after the Past President’s breakfast.

                      • #2714 Reply
                        John Crittenden

                          I’ll join you at the table, and will bring the flyers.

                        • #2716 Reply
                          Erasmo Brenes

                            I’ll meet you at the Starbucks at 7am.


                          • #2719 Reply
                            Paul Nelson

                              Thanks for the great breakfast. I love those little airport cafes PLUS they had
                              S O S……good memories

                            • #2720 Reply
                              Bill Reitz

                                Yes, thanks to all the members that came out to honor Paul & Don & Ed & Bob & me !!
                                I noticed the SOS too Paul but I never ate it during my two years and I wasn’t gonna start. 😁

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