Trail to Northern CA BDR

Trail to Northern CA BDR

Forums Calendar Events Trail to Northern CA BDR

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    Ryan Gersbacher

      Join South Coast BMW riders on an ADV journey. Learn to ride your GS the way it was meant to be ridden. Then ride the N-Cal BDR to show off your new skills. Starting September 29th 2024, we will start training to ride our Adventure motorcycles on dirt roads and trails. We will learn basic dirt riding skills along with the skills to deal with events that will happen on the trail. Each month we will head out to the trail and increase our skills in a safe incremental way. We will have plenty of fun along the way. The “Tail to Northern CA BDR” will end with a 12 day dirt adventure next July that starts in Mammoth CA and ends at the Oregon border. Check out for ride details.

      When: July 2025: 9 Days on the trail

      Location: Mammoth California to Lakeview Oregon

      Tentative schedule:

      Sep 29 MotoVentures ADV training
      Oct 31 – Nov 3 Julian ADV Rally – Off-road group
      Nov – 16 Corona training area
      Dec 14 Santiago Peak
      Jan 18 2025 First Aid / CPR class
      Feb 15 – 16 Agua Caliente Hot Springs (Camping)
      Mar 14 – 16 Death Valley BDR Section 6
      April 12 -13 Corrizo Plains NM
      May 17 Gorman – Hungry Valley
      June 21 -22 Big Bear
      July 11 – 21 Northern California BDR


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