Semiannual Members Survery 2024

Semiannual Members Survery 2024

Forums General Semiannual Members Survery 2024

  • Creator
  • #22203 Reply
    Eric Wolf
      South Coasters!
      As we turn the page on the calendar and begin a new year of riding, the Board of Directors is very interested in your ideas for rides, destinations, training, trip planning, and governance of our BMW club. 
      Please take ten minutes to complete this survey The results are meaningful and the BOD discusses them thoroughly, especially in consideration of ride planning.
      Responses are due by February 29th (yes, 29 days this year).  As a way of saying ‘thanks!’ we’re giving away five Starbucks gift cards for completed surveys.
      Come Ride With Us,
      Board of Directors
      South Coast BMW Riders Club


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    • Author
      • #22268 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Ladies and Gentlemen,

          This is just a reminder to get your surveys in by the end of this month.  Click the link above to go directly to the poll.  It should take you no more than five minutes.

          We want to hear from you!  Where do you want to ride?  Hotel? Camp? Two day or Three? Training?  Dirt, street?

          Complete the survey to be in the running for a Starbucks gift card!

        • #22321 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            South Coasters!

            Please get your surveys in.  We really do want to hear from you.  Check your email for the link and spend five minutes reflecting on what you like and what else we should be doing.

            Win a Starbucks gift card for replying to the survey.

          • #22341 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              You may be thinking “I don’t have much to offer, I’ve only been to a few events”.  We especially want to hear from you!

              Is there some reason you’ve only been able to make it to a few events?  Maybe our planning conflicts with your work schedule, or maybe one-night weekend trips would work better?

              Are Sundays better than Saturdays for General Meetings?

              Are you tired of going to the same places every year?

              What about merchandise?  Is there some South Coast-branded item you’d love to sport?

              Maybe you are an R or XR rider and you don’t feel like you fit in with our GS and RT dominated club?

              Whatever your thoughts, we want to hear from you.  Please get your survey in today.

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