Feb. 3 GM ride?

Feb. 3 GM ride?

Forums Rides Feb. 3 GM ride?

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  • #22187 Reply
    Thomas Watson

      Wondering if the planned Feb. 3 GM ride could be impacted by road conditions? Forecast is for ~2″ rain locally tonight/tomorrow. Should not be a problem for Santiago Canyon Road, but I’m more concerned about Live Oak Canyon Road. The 1/4 mile stretch uphill from Cook’s Corner is heavily sandbagged, and there are sections beyond it where runoff dirt/debris could be an issue.

      I am free on Friday so if the weather breaks as forecast, I plan to do a recon run (in my car) through the canyon to the cantina.


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    • Author
      • #22188 Reply
        Ric Magrath

          Looking forward to your recon report Tom. If necessary we can continue past Cook’s Corner and come in through Rancho Santa Margarita. Fingers crossed for a clear day on Saturday!


        • #22194 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            South Coasters,

            The meeting will go on rain or shine.  If we have to get there by auto, well, that’s ok.  We’ll still have fun, celebrate our history, and thank our Past Presidents.

          • #22197 Reply
            Willis Ho

              Can not make the breakfast meeting, have fun!

            • #22199 Reply
              Thomas Watson

                Did a drive-through around noon. As expected, Santiago Canyon Road is no problem at all – drainage is very good and no standing debris. There are several nasty fissures/potholes, particularly over about 1/2 mile before and past Jamboree. A couple of these are rim-killers.

                Live Oak Canyon Road is mostly OK. The uphill portion from Cook’s Corner is remarkably clear as the sandbags seem to have worked perfectly. Down the hill and through the forested area, there are about a half-dozen spots where small rocks/gravel/sand washed into or completely across the road, mostly on or very near curves.

                The turn-off to Rose Canyon is heavily washed with sand, compounded by vehicles turning in from the opposite direction across a dirt shoulder and bringing more debris along. The road to the cantina is a mix of OK-to-sketchy asphalt, and most of the parking area is dirt/crushed rock, with some loose stuff on the adjacent pavement. There is parking space along a short stretch of the road just as you get to the cantina, but who knows how much will be free when we arrive.

                If I had a GS with dual-sport tires none of this would bother me. Some of it may disperse with normal vehicle traffic later today. In any case I plan to attend the meeting and breakfast, with the only question being on the RT or in the car.


              • #22201 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  I’ll RT it!   Need a little pucker factor in my life.

                • #22202 Reply
                  Eric Wolf

                    Thanks Tom,

                    There shouldn’t be any problem with parking since we’re arriving just as they open at 11:00.  Hope you did a NO rain dance also!

                  • #22204 Reply
                    Thomas Watson

                      Yeah, if it looks like no rain I’ll brave it on the RT. I just hate riding in the wet.



                    • #22205 Reply
                      Ric Magrath

                        Nice recon report Tom, lucky there were no bandits along the trail! Mind you, I have seen deer on Live Oak Canyon Rd more than once.


                      • #22209 Reply
                        John Crittenden

                          Thank you, South Coasters and Eric, for a great get-together, ride, and of course, Lunch!   And meeting the Newbies as well as seeing some Oldies!

                        • #22215 Reply
                          Eric Wolf

                            Sorry I had to bail on you but it was a great meeting and a good turnout of Oldies.

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