Sierra Passes Ride: Jul 18-22

Sierra Passes Ride: Jul 18-22

Forums Calendar Events Sierra Passes Ride: Jul 18-22

  • This topic has 14 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 06/05/2024 | 14:12 by Steve Leo.
  • Creator
  • #21989 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Join the South Coasters for a bucket list weekend riding the Sierra Passes! We know that this is a long way off but it will take a lot of planning, not the least of which is the required one-day riding pass to enter Yosmite NP.  More info to follow on that, but read on and sign up now!

      Imagine topping out Tioga, Carson, Luther, Monitor, Ebbetts, Sonora, Sherman, and Walker Passes all in one weekend. Eighty-five thousand feet of elevation gain over four or five days of epic riding. Sign up on the ride list and follow the website for details.

      Here is the tentative plan:


      • Meet-up in San Bernardino near the 210 and 15 intersection (9:00 am KSU).
      • There will be a secondary meet-up spot in Santa Clarita for those that live in the LA area and north.
      • Lunch in Lone Pine, restaurant TBD
      • Arrival in Mammoth around 4:00pm
      • Hotel TBD


      • KSU 8:00am
        • Want to get to the east entrance to Yosemite early
        • Hwy 120, Tioga Pass, 9,943′ (#1)
      • There are 2 routes through Yosemite – Riders Option
        • Long Route will drop down into Yosemite Valley and out the southern entrance
          • Via 140 to Mariposa
          • North on the 49
        • Short Route will stay on 120 exiting the park and through Groveland
          • Turn north on the 49 at  Moccasin
      • Both routes will
        • Go north on the 49 to Mokelumne Hill
        • Go east on 26 to 88, Carson Pass, 8,573′ (#2)
        • East on 88 to 89 North and Luther Pass, 7,735′ (#3)
        • Back on 89 So to 88 and east to 89.
        • Arrive at Woodfords Inn,  on 89 just south of 88.


      • KSU 8:30am
      • South and east on 89 to Monitor Pass, 8,321′ (#4)
      • Back down 89 sest to Hwy 4
      • Up and over Ebbetts Pass, 8,732′ (#5) to E18
      • E18 South to 49
      • Up the 108 over Sonora Pass, 9,624′ (#6)
      • 395 South to Bishop
      • Hotel in Bishop TBD


      • Option 1
        • Head home down 395
      • Option 2
        • South on 395 to Big Pine
        • Side trip up 168 to Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
        • South on 395 to 9 Mile Rd
        • Lunch at Grumpy Bears in Kennedy Meadows
        • Over Sherman Pass, 9,140′ (#7)
        • Down Mountain Hwy 99 to Kernville
        • Kernville Inn/That’s Italian


      • Option 1
        • For those in the OC or IE, take 178 over Walker Pass, 5,246’ (#8), then down to Hwy 14, over to 395 South and home.
      • Option 2
        • For those in the LA area, head down Caliente Bodfish Rd to Hwy 58, east to Tehachapi, Willow Springs Rd and home.


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    • Author
      • #21990 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Here is the promised info you need to secure your one-day Yosmite Pass before they sell out!

          If you plan on going on the Sierra Passes Ride please read the information below. The passes are available now.  Even if you are not sure… buy the pass now….it is only $2.00.


          Click on PEAK HOUR PLUS RESERVATION. The pass is good for a 3 day period so we suggest making your reservation for Friday, Saturday and Sunday July 19, 20 & 21. Reservations are available now. It is only $2.00 so if you have the slightest thought that you might go, spend the $2.00 to make sure you can get into Yosemite. If you don’t go it is only $2.00 lost.


          This pass is in addition to the $20.00 per motorcycle Admission Fee when entering Yosemite National Park unless you have the America The Beautiful Annual National Park Pass for 2024 ($80.00) or a National Park Pass such as the Lifetime Senior Pass ($80.00) or Senior Annual Pass ($20.00).

        • #21992 Reply
          Ron Zablocki

            Is there an estimated miles per day expected to be traveled?

          • #21996 Reply
            Steve Leo

              Here are the mileages per day:

              Thursday:  Meet-up in SB to Mammoth up 395 –  285 Miles

              Friday: Mammoth to Woodfords Inn, near Markleeville via 3 Passes – Short route via Yosemite on 120 to 49 North- 264 Miles

              Friday: Mammoth to Woodfords Inn near Markleeville via 3 Passes – Long route through Yosemite Village & Mariposa to 49 North via 3 Passes – 310 Miles

              It will be up to each individual rider to determine if they want to take the short or long route. We will break up into 2 groups for Friday.

              Saturday: Woodfords Inn Near Markleeville to Bishop via 3 passes – 299 Miles

              Sunday: Bishop to Ancient Bristlecone Pines to Kernville via Kennedy Meadows and Sherman Pass – 277 Miles

              Sunday: Bishop to Original Meet-up in San Bernardino – 244 Miles

              Again, Riders Choice on Sunday: if you can take Monday off, join the group going to Kernville or you can head home on Sunday. If you join us for Sunday night in Kernville you can be home before noon with an early start on Monday.

              We want this to be a fun ride so we will make numerous sightseeing stops along the way as well as lunch.


              Hotel Information to follow in the next couple of days.

              Working on the GPX files!

            • #21997 Reply
              Ric Magrath

                Great job Steve, as usual.

                I am looking forward to this ride. I already have my Yosemite Pass, reserved it yesterday, (and, sad to say, my Senior Parks Life Time Pass.) I will just have enough time to complete a service on my bike and put some fresh rubber on it after the MOA and Chief Joseph Rallies.

              • #21998 Reply
                Ron Zablocki

                  Are veterans with ID cards exempt from park fees?

                • #21999 Reply
                  Steve Leo
                    Do veterans get into Yosemite for free?
                    Current US military and dependents, Gold Star Families, and US military veterans are eligible to receive free annual or lifetime passes which cover entrance or day use fees at national parks, national wildlife refuges, national forests, and other federal recreational lands.
                    You need to apply for a free annual or lifetime pass with the National Park Service. Go to this site for updated information:
                    • #22002 Reply
                      Ron Zablocki

                        Thanks Steve.  If you have any of the 4 IDs listed below, no other identification is needed.

                        Who is eligible to get a free Military Lifetime Pass as a veteran?

                        For purposes of this program, a veteran is identified as an individual who has served in the US Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves. There is no application or form to fill out to receive the Military Lifetime Pass. Simply present one of the following forms of identification to get the Interagency Military Lifetime Pass when entering a national park:

                        – Unexpired Department of Defense Identification Card (DD Form 2, DD Form 2765, or Next Generation USID replacement)
                        – Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)
                        – Veteran ID Card
                        – Veterans designation on a state-issued US driver’s license or identification card


                    • #22000 Reply
                      Steve Leo

                        Don’t forget to sign up for the ride on the Event Calendar page!!!

                        • #22003 Reply
                          Ron Zablocki

                            Not sure if I can attend just yet, but want to get the bases covered just in case.

                        • #22128 Reply
                          Steve Leo

                            Don’t miss out on this epic ride!!!!  We already have 11 bikes registered and we are still 6 month out!!

                            Accommodation:  When you register on the ride page on this site you will receive an email with all the accommodation details and how to reserve your room in each location:

                            Thursday night:  Shilo Inn, Mammoth Lakes

                            Friday night: Woodfords Inn, near Markleeville, CA

                            Saturday night: Quality Inn, Bishop

                            Sunday night: Kernville Inn – optional

                            All locations will have rooms with 2 beds (for those who want to share). There is a limited number of rooms with one bed.


                          • #22139 Reply
                            Bernd Steinebrunner

                              I just registered and I’m pretty sure I can go.

                              Is anyone interested in sharing hotel rooms with a new club member?

                            • #22793 Reply
                              Steve Leo

                                Sierra Passes Update

                                There are only 31 Reservation Passes available for Yosemite for Friday, July 19, 2024. If you are still interested in going on the Sierra Passes Ride you had better get your reservation now!!!

                                There are only 4 hotel rooms left at the Woodfords Inn in Markleeville/Alpine for Friday night. Contact me directly to reserve a room there.

                                We have 21 bikes registered for the ride. If you have never ridden the Sierra Passes you need to join us. It is a ride everyone must do in their lifetime!!!!

                                Be sure to sign up on the ride list if you are joining us for the ride!!!

                              • #22801 Reply
                                Eric Wolf

                                  Thanks for the heads up Steve!

                                • #22868 Reply
                                  Steve Leo

                                    UpDate:  Entry Reservation for Yosemite are sold out for the 3 day period starting on July 19th which is the day we are entering Yosemite. You can still go.….book your reservation starting on July 18th as it is good for the 18th and the 2 days following the 18th. There are 55 reservations left for the 18th.

                                    I also want to remind everyone that there are going to be 3 Meet-up locations: Starbucks at Beech Ave & Summit off the 15 near the 210; Starbucks on the NW corner of Hwy 15 and Hwy 18 just outside of Victorville and Starbucks in the shopping center on the NE corner of Golden Valley Rd and Lost Canyon Rd in Santa Clarita just off the 14.

                                    There are a number of people who will be going to Kernville on Wednesday afternoon before the ride and spending the night to shorten the ride on Friday. It is only a 2 hour ride from Kernville to the lunch stop in Lone Pine. If you are interested please contact me at [email protected].

                                    Current count: 21 bikes

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