November General Meeting

November General Meeting

Forums Calendar Events November General Meeting

  • Creator
  • #21052 Reply
    Ric Magrath

      We head off to Julian, for lunch and our November General Meeting, on Saturday 4th, Nov. 2023.

      PLACE:  Irv Seaver BMW Motorcycle

      607 W Katella Ave, Orange, CA 92867

      TIME:   8:30 am       KSU:     9:00 am

      We will head off to Julian to meet up with the SCBMWRC  team taking part in the ADV Rally. Expect a couple of stops along our route to stretch the legs and take in some scenery. Lunch and the General Meeting will be at;

      “The Julian Beer Co.

      2307 Main Street, Julian. CA 92036

      Expected arrival time is 12:00 – 12:15.


      Julian is at its most charming during the fall when the leaves change color, and local apples ripen. In September and October, you can stop by an apple orchard to sample local varieties not found elsewhere, buy some of your favorites, or pick your own. But even if you travel to the town outside of apple season, be sure to stop by Julian Pie Company or Julian Cafe and Bakery for a slice of apple pie—with a generous scoop of ice cream, of course.

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    • Author
      • #21057 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          Ric – Do you know the route from Irv’s yet?

        • #21058 Reply
          Ric Magrath

            I am working on the route from Irv’s and should have it posted before the end of this week.

            I am looking for alternatives to the roads we have already traveled on the multiple recent trips in that direction. Got a suggestion? Throw it at me!

          • #21060 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              Let me see if I can put something together.

            • #21125 Reply
              Ric Magrath

                Hi members,

                Attached are the gpx files for the route from Irv Seaver BMW Motorcycle to Julian Beer Co. and the return route from Julian back to Irv Seaver’s.

                Thank you Ron Z for the outbound route suggestion and Pete R for a add on to the home bound route.

                The ride to Julian is approx. 3 hrs so please arrive at Irv’s early and be ready to depart at 9:00 am sharp.

                We will make a stop at the Starbucks off I 15 (exit 95) to collect anyone coming from the IE.

                Starbucks.  1199 Magnolia Ave. Corona, CA 92879. ETA at this location is 9:30 am.

                If you intend joining the ride at that location please advise on this forum so we will know to look for you.

                NOTE: The route home is assuming that CA 74 will not be closed. I will verify this closer to the date.

                Thank you and I look forward to seeing you on the ride.


              • #21133 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  Ric, Ron, Pete, thanks for putting this together.  I’m super excited to see everyone in situ the ADV ride.  I’m hoping my moto won’t be down in a ditch or something at that point.  Nah, we’re prepared and will be having fun along the way.

                  Our group is starting with a night of camping on Wed at Agua Caliente campground where they have natural hot springs pools to soak in.  Then early morning on Thursday we’ll check in at the rally for the safety brief and be on the road by 0900, off to collect our points of interest.

                  If there are members with interest in the ADV scavenger hunt, please contact me or Ryan ASAP and we’ll find a way to loop you in!

                • #21148 Reply
                  Ric Magrath

                    Hi members,

                    This is just a “heads up” to check on this forum, before the Saturday ride, for route changes as I continue to monitor the Highland Fire that currently has road closures that impact the published route. I am working on an alternative and plan to post that Thursday evening.

                    Thank you.

                  • #21156 Reply
                    Ric Magrath

                      Hi members,

                      The SCBMWRC Rally team are having fun and scoring points at the ADV Rally. I can’t wait to hear the tales at the GM meeting on  Saturday.

                      So, about the ride to the meeting;

                      I am posting a new route to the meeting in Julian. Even if the roads around the Highland fire open up I think the last thing we need to be is in the way of  fire fighters , multiple other infrastructure services and residence, trying to get back to their homes. Ride time is about the same and we will retain the meet up at the Starbucks.

                      Meet at Irv Seaver: 8:30 am

                      KSU:                          9:00am sharp.

                      Meet up Starbucks: 1199 Magnolia Ave. Corona, CA 92879. ETA at this location is 9:30 am.

                      ETA at Julian Beer Co. is 12:15.

                      Thank you all for your understanding on these last minute changes.

                      The weather looks great for this ride and it will be fun to hear the stories from the club’s ADV rally team. They collected 20 POI while covering 200 miles on day 1.

                      Show up to this ride and GM and support the team!

                    • #21160 Reply
                      Thomas Watson

                        Importing these GPX files to Google Maps will show waypoints, but also sort of a bizarre “as the crow flies” straight line path between each of them, not really following any highways. Is this new basic route 91 east to 15 south, then to 76 east/79 south and into Julian?


                      • #21168 Reply
                        Thomas Watson

                          All sorted. Found out how to import the GPX files directly to the BMW nav app.



                        • #21205 Reply
                          Ed Taylor

                            I am sorry to say I cant make this meeting.  I would love to have sampled Julian beer, They probably have pie there also, right??


                            I will gladly sample both for you Ed, I hope all is OK.



                          • #21217 Reply
                            Ron Zablocki

                              Home safe and sound with 311 total round trip miles.

                              Thanks for putting the trip together Ric!

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