Anyone up for a Trans-Canadian Adventure

Anyone up for a Trans-Canadian Adventure

Forums Rides Anyone up for a Trans-Canadian Adventure

  • Creator
  • #20258 Reply
    Jeff Jensen

      Greetings from San Diego!

      I just found your club and am excited to ride with you. For the last 6 years I organized rides for our San Diego riding group. We have ridden from Fairbanks, Alaska to Cabo, Mexico and much, west of the rockies. Our riding group is losing interest in big adventures so I am looking for a new group.

      I love planning long adventures. I am looking for a group who wants to head up the west coast to British Colombia. Then cross Canada as far north as possible all the way thru Labrador, Newfoundland & Nova Scotia.

      I am thinking about a multi-year adventure where we ride in stages.

      I’m a 63 year old retired Christian rider. I use Butler Maps for find the best routes and plot them on Basecamp. I book all hotels and our tracks are hotel to hotel. We ride, have a great meal, laugh a lot and drink a few brews. At my age that’s as good as it gets!

      I’m looking for a few low key riders who are either retired or can take 2 to 3 rides a year. I rarely ride my GS except on adventures so I have no problem storing it between rides.

      Let me know if you may be interested. Hopefully there are a few guys out there who want to ride into the great unknown!

      Jeff Jensen


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    • Author
      • #20259 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          Ugh… I’d love to, unfortunately I still work for the man. 😟

          • #20260 Reply
            Jeff Jensen

              Some of my San Diego guys have the same problem!


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